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first I would thank MR.Zot for provide help me about this thread how make this code more dynamically (loop all files in the same directory )
this is the whole code
now I want modified code with merge duplicate items based on column B . the column C,D contain invoice number , customer number like this(BBS1/09-001),(CL-BSN1/AT-001)
so when repeate th item in COL B for many times with differnt numbers invoices and customers . should merge in columns C,D should be like this (BBS1/09-001,002) , (CL-BSN1/AT-001,002)
about the summing values in COL H,I,J . the column H should summing repeated values , COL I should not summing . should calculate average price , COL J should multiply COL H xCOL J for each sheets as in code . so the range in all of the sheets begins from A2:J ,A1:J1 is headers
if this is not clear . just tell me may I issue picture to understand it . so I truly appreciate if Zot or any body has knowladge in vba support me
thanks in advance
first I would thank MR.Zot for provide help me about this thread how make this code more dynamically (loop all files in the same directory )
this is the whole code
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Sub CopySheetToClosedWB()
LoopAllFolderAndSub ("C:\Users\PC WORLD\Desktop\")
End Sub
Sub LoopAllFolderAndSub(ByVal FPath As String)
Dim FName As String, FullFPath As String
Dim Note As String, Folds() As String, ArryName() As String
Dim i As Long, nFold As Long
Dim wsName As Variant
Dim wsNotFound As Boolean
Dim ws As Worksheet, SourceSht As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook, ClosedBook As Workbook
Dim dName As Object
Set dName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set ClosedBook = ActiveWorkbook
Set SourceSht = ClosedBook.Sheets("rs")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ArryName = Split("sh1,imp,ex,ret", ",")
If Right(FPath, 1) <> "\" Then FPath = FPath & "\"
FName = Dir(FPath & "*.*", vbDirectory)
While Len(FName) <> 0
If Left(FName, 1) <> "." Then
FullFPath = FPath & FName
If (GetAttr(FullFPath) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
ReDim Preserve Folds(0 To nFold) As String
Folds(nFold) = FullFPath
nFold = nFold + 1
If Not FName = ClosedBook.Name Then
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(FullFPath, UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=True, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended:=True)
Note = ""
For Each wsName In ArryName
For Each ws In wb.Sheets
If wsName = ws.Name Then
dName.Add wsName, Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error GoTo 0
Set ws = wb.Sheets(ws.Name)
ws.Copy After:=ClosedBook.Sheets("rs")
Exit For
End If
For Each wsName In ArryName
If Not dName.Exists(wsName) Then Note = Note & wsName & ", "
If Len(Note) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Missing in " & vbLf & wb.Name & ": " & vbLf & vbLf & Left(Note, Len(Note) - 2)
End If
wb.Close False
End If
End If
End If
FName = Dir()
For i = 0 To nFold - 1
LoopAllFolderAndSub Folds(i)
Next i
ClosedBook.Close True
End Sub
so when repeate th item in COL B for many times with differnt numbers invoices and customers . should merge in columns C,D should be like this (BBS1/09-001,002) , (CL-BSN1/AT-001,002)
about the summing values in COL H,I,J . the column H should summing repeated values , COL I should not summing . should calculate average price , COL J should multiply COL H xCOL J for each sheets as in code . so the range in all of the sheets begins from A2:J ,A1:J1 is headers
if this is not clear . just tell me may I issue picture to understand it . so I truly appreciate if Zot or any body has knowladge in vba support me
thanks in advance