I’ve encountered what to me seems to be a very strange problem. I have an Excel worksheet with the prices of the 16 stocks currently in my portfolio, charted on a daily basis – that’s 16 different charts (XY scatter) of day vs. price data. I’ve been updating this worksheet daily for several years, and so each plot grows by one day (data point) at a time. The strange this is, as of a couple days ago, 11 out of the 16 plots are now blank. That is, the empty plots are there, label and all; they just contain no data curve. They were fine for all that time up until now. And the other 5 plots are still fine. On those plots with the missing data, the ‘source data’ is as it always was when the curve was visible. In fact, when clicking on the graph, the data columns that ought to be plotted are outlined in purple and blue, as was always the case. …So I’m wondering if I didn’t reach some unspecified limit on the number of data points that an Excel worksheet can hold? Otherwise I’m at a loss. I’m pretty sure I didn’t make any drastic changes. And when comparing the way this data is plotted to the data for the 5 charts that do show up, I see no difference. …Does anyone have any suggestions?