Hi ive been trying to tweek an existing code but im getting this error when i run it.
I've got a macro to copy info from one spreadsheet to another which worked fine until now. Im trying to add a section that also changes the colour of a cell when it moves the info across but this seems to be where its getting stuck.
Any Advice?
Range("A" & TOLINE).Select
Range("A" & TOLINE).Value = strMPAN
Application.EnableEvents = True
Range("B" & TOLINE).Value = strAgentCombo
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("C" & TOLINE).Value = strNAME
Range("D" & TOLINE).Value = CDate(strCoMCDate)
Range("F" & TOLINE).Value = strCTWC
Range("G" & TOLINE).Value = strInherited
Range("E" & TOLINE).Value = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yy")
Range("A : TOLINE").Interior.Color = RGB(153, 153, 255)<<<<this is="" where="" im="" getting="" stuck.
Thanks in advance
I've got a macro to copy info from one spreadsheet to another which worked fine until now. Im trying to add a section that also changes the colour of a cell when it moves the info across but this seems to be where its getting stuck.
Any Advice?
Range("A" & TOLINE).Select
Range("A" & TOLINE).Value = strMPAN
Application.EnableEvents = True
Range("B" & TOLINE).Value = strAgentCombo
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("C" & TOLINE).Value = strNAME
Range("D" & TOLINE).Value = CDate(strCoMCDate)
Range("F" & TOLINE).Value = strCTWC
Range("G" & TOLINE).Value = strInherited
Range("E" & TOLINE).Value = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yy")
Range("A : TOLINE").Interior.Color = RGB(153, 153, 255)<<<<this is="" where="" im="" getting="" stuck.
Thanks in advance