method or data member not found a form. error not able to understand why this is pooping up.


Board Regular
Feb 19, 2014
Hi all,

I was running a macro already created. And there were an error that i faced i tried alot of options but i am not able to know where the problem is.

I have these forms that connect to MS Access as it database. its a huge macro when i run this macro the following error pops up.

method or data member not found

the below code is written in a form.
the part where the code fails is pasted below.

Private Sub Project_Status_report()

    Dim strReadQ        As String
    Dim sSQL            As String
    Dim rsReadEmaminee  As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sSQLEmp         As String
    Dim rsEmpResults    As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim iCounter        As Integer
    Dim sTempUserId     As String
    Dim sTempUserName   As String
    Dim bPending        As Boolean
    Dim iAttempt        As Integer
    Dim bFail           As Boolean
    Dim iPercentage     As Integer
    Dim iFinalUserCount As Integer
    Dim iPendUserCount  As Integer
    CmdAnswerSheet.Enabled = False
    Label3.Visible = True
    LblStatus.Visible = True

    'RESET all Search controls
    cboLevel.Text = ""
    cboLevel.BackColor = vbWhite
    cboModule.Text = ""
    cboModule.BackColor = vbWhite
    CboName.Text = ""
    CboName.BackColor = vbWhite
    CboTestType.Text = ""
    CboTestType.BackColor = vbWhite

    If ConnectDB.State = adStateClosed Then
    End If
    sSQLEmp = "SELECT * FROM Emp_Master WHERE EMP_Status = 1 ORDER BY Emp_First_Name"
    sSQL = "Select * from Emp_Test_Result ORDER BY Test_Date DESC"

    Set rsReadEmaminee = New ADODB.Recordset
    rsReadEmaminee.Open sSQLEmp, ConnectDB 'Create the recordset.
    Set rsReadEmaminee.ActiveConnection = Nothing

    Set rsEmpResults = New ADODB.Recordset
    rsEmpResults.Open sSQL, ConnectDB 'Create the recordset.
    Set rsEmpResults.ActiveConnection = Nothing

[COLOR=#ff0000][B]    ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Select[/B][/COLOR]
    If rsReadEmaminee.State = 1 And rsReadEmaminee.RecordCount > 0 Then
        iFinalUserCount = rsReadEmaminee.RecordCount
        Call SetReportHeader("P")
        Let iCounter = 2
        While Not rsReadEmaminee.EOF
            sTempUserId = rsReadEmaminee.Fields("Emp_User_ID").Value
            rsEmpResults.Filter = adFilterNone
            rsEmpResults.Filter = "Test_Employee_Id = '" & sTempUserId & "'"
            sTempUserName = GetUserName(sTempUserId)
            ' Filling excel sheet with records...
            'User Name
            ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 2) = UCase(sTempUserName)
            'User Id
            ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 3) = LCase(sTempUserId)
            bPending = False
            bFail = False
            If rsEmpResults.RecordCount > 0 Then
                'Test Type
                rsTestType.Filter = adFilterNone
                rsTestType.Filter = " Test_Type = '" & rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Type").Value & "'"
                If rsTestType.RecordCount > 0 Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 4) = rsTestType.Fields("Test_Full_Form").Value
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 4) = "-"
                End If
                ' iPercentage = Val(rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Marks").Value)
                If iPercentage >= 60 Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 5) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Result").Value
             ElseIf iPercentage < 60 Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 5) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Result").Value
                End If
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 1) = "Completed"
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 6) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Comments").Value & ""
                If (rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Experience_level").Value = 1) Then
                    reportlevel = "Basic"
                    explevel = 1
                ElseIf (rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Experience_level").Value = 2) Then
                    reportlevel = "Intermediate"
                    explevel = 2
                ElseIf (rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Experience_level").Value = 3) Then
                    reportlevel = "Expert"
                    explevel = 3
                End If
                frmAnswerSheet.lblAttempted.Caption = "(Q's Attempted = " & rsEmpResults.Fields("Questions_Attempted").Value & ")"
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 7) = reportlevel
                iAttempt = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Attempt_Number").Value
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 8) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Attempt_Number").Value
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 9) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 10) = "'" & rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Correct_Answers_Count").Value & "/" & rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Question_Count").Value
                'Obtd %
                iPercentage = Val(rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Marks").Value)
                If iPercentage < 60 Then
                    bFail = True
                    bPending = True
                End If
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 11) = "'" & iPercentage & " %"
               ' ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 12) = rsEmpResults.Fields("moduleid").Value
                'Setting Status
                If bFail = True Then
                    If iAttempt = 1 And DateDiff("d", rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value, Date) > 15 Then
                        bPending = True
                    End If
                    If iAttempt = 2 And DateDiff("d", rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value, Date) > 30 Then
                        bPending = True
                    End If
                    '6 months
                    If DateDiff("d", rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value, Date) > 180 Then
                        bPending = True
                    End If
                End If
                If bPending = True Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 1) = "Pending"
                    ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows(iCounter).Font.Color = "Red"
                    iPendUserCount = iPendUserCount + 1
                    ElseIf bPending = False Then
                    ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows(iCounter).Font.Color = "Green"
                End If
                'Test Type
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 4) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 5) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 6) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 7) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 8) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 9) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 10) = ""
                'Obtd %
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 11) = ""
                'ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 12) = ""
                'Setting Status
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 1) = "Pending"
                iPendUserCount = iPendUserCount + 1
                ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows(iCounter).Font.Color = "Red"
            End If
            iCounter = iCounter + 1
    End If
    ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Font.Name = "Verdana"
    ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Borders.Application = "True"
    Call DeleteSheets
    ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Borders.Weight = xlThin
    ReportSheet.Caption = "Reports"
    CmdAnswerSheet.Enabled = False
    ReportSheet.Caption = "Project Status Report"
    lblExcelNote.Visible = False
    LblStatus.Caption = (iFinalUserCount - iPendUserCount) & "/" & iPendUserCount
    Call SetGridFormat
 End Sub

The part in red is where the error pops on debugging it highlights activesheet.

i tried to look what reportsheet is but i was not able to determine the same. As i did not find any sheet named the as ReportSheet

if you could point me in a direct to look even that would be helpful.

Excel Facts

Select all contiguous cells
Pressing Ctrl+* (asterisk) will select the "current region" - all contiguous cells in all directions.
At a guess ReportSheet is the code name of a worksheet, in which case you should remove the '.ActiveSheet' part after it in the code.
Upvote 0
Thanks for replying RoryA and oldbrewer

At a guess ReportSheet is the code name of a worksheet, in which case you should remove the '.ActiveSheet' part after it in the code.

I felt the same so ihad checked if there is a sheet name ReportSheet but it was not present. I checked for any hidden sheets as well, still no success.
Upvote 0
here is the code adding #### in it.

 Private Sub Project_Status_report()

    Dim strReadQ        As String
    Dim sSQL            As String
    Dim rsReadEmaminee  As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sSQLEmp         As String
    Dim rsEmpResults    As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim iCounter        As Integer
    Dim sTempUserId     As String
    Dim sTempUserName   As String
    Dim bPending        As Boolean
    Dim iAttempt        As Integer
    Dim bFail           As Boolean
    Dim iPercentage     As Integer
    Dim iFinalUserCount As Integer
    Dim iPendUserCount  As Integer
    CmdAnswerSheet.Enabled = False
    Label3.Visible = True
    LblStatus.Visible = True

    'RESET all Search controls
    cboLevel.Text = ""
    cboLevel.BackColor = vbWhite
    cboModule.Text = ""
    cboModule.BackColor = vbWhite
    CboName.Text = ""
    CboName.BackColor = vbWhite
    CboTestType.Text = ""
    CboTestType.BackColor = vbWhite

    If ConnectDB.State = adStateClosed Then
    End If
    sSQLEmp = "SELECT * FROM Emp_Master WHERE EMP_Status = 1 ORDER BY Emp_First_Name"
    sSQL = "Select * from Emp_Test_Result ORDER BY Test_Date DESC"

    Set rsReadEmaminee = New ADODB.Recordset
    rsReadEmaminee.Open sSQLEmp, ConnectDB 'Create the recordset.
    Set rsReadEmaminee.ActiveConnection = Nothing

    Set rsEmpResults = New ADODB.Recordset
    rsEmpResults.Open sSQL, ConnectDB 'Create the recordset.
    Set rsEmpResults.ActiveConnection = Nothing
[COLOR=#ff0000]    ##### [B]ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Select   '(this is where the issue is It throughs [I]Compile error : method or data member not found.)[/I][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff0000]    [/COLOR]
    If rsReadEmaminee.State = 1 And rsReadEmaminee.RecordCount > 0 Then
        iFinalUserCount = rsReadEmaminee.RecordCount
        Call SetReportHeader("P")
        Let iCounter = 2
        While Not rsReadEmaminee.EOF
            sTempUserId = rsReadEmaminee.Fields("Emp_User_ID").Value
            rsEmpResults.Filter = adFilterNone
            rsEmpResults.Filter = "Test_Employee_Id = '" & sTempUserId & "'"
            sTempUserName = GetUserName(sTempUserId)
            ' Filling excel sheet with records...
            'User Name
            ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 2) = UCase(sTempUserName)
            'User Id
            ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 3) = LCase(sTempUserId)
            bPending = False
            bFail = False
            If rsEmpResults.RecordCount > 0 Then
                'Test Type
                rsTestType.Filter = adFilterNone
                rsTestType.Filter = " Test_Type = '" & rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Type").Value & "'"
                If rsTestType.RecordCount > 0 Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 4) = rsTestType.Fields("Test_Full_Form").Value
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 4) = "-"
                End If
                ' iPercentage = Val(rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Marks").Value)
                If iPercentage >= 60 Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 5) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Result").Value
             ElseIf iPercentage < 60 Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 5) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Result").Value
                End If
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 1) = "Completed"
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 6) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Comments").Value & ""
                If (rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Experience_level").Value = 1) Then
                    reportlevel = "Basic"
                    explevel = 1
                ElseIf (rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Experience_level").Value = 2) Then
                    reportlevel = "Intermediate"
                    explevel = 2
                ElseIf (rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Experience_level").Value = 3) Then
                    reportlevel = "Expert"
                    explevel = 3
                End If
                frmAnswerSheet.lblAttempted.Caption = "(Q's Attempted = " & rsEmpResults.Fields("Questions_Attempted").Value & ")"
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 7) = reportlevel
                iAttempt = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Attempt_Number").Value
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 8) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Attempt_Number").Value
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 9) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 10) = "'" & rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Correct_Answers_Count").Value & "/" & rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Question_Count").Value
                'Obtd %
                iPercentage = Val(rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Marks").Value)
                If iPercentage < 60 Then
                    bFail = True
                    bPending = True
                End If
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 11) = "'" & iPercentage & " %"
               ' ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 12) = rsEmpResults.Fields("moduleid").Value
                'Setting Status
                If bFail = True Then
                    If iAttempt = 1 And DateDiff("d", rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value, Date) > 15 Then
                        bPending = True
                    End If
                    If iAttempt = 2 And DateDiff("d", rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value, Date) > 30 Then
                        bPending = True
                    End If
                    '6 months
                    If DateDiff("d", rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value, Date) > 180 Then
                        bPending = True
                    End If
                End If
                If bPending = True Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 1) = "Pending"
                    ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows(iCounter).Font.Color = "Red"
                    iPendUserCount = iPendUserCount + 1
                    ElseIf bPending = False Then
                    ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows(iCounter).Font.Color = "Green"
                End If
                'Test Type
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 4) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 5) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 6) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 7) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 8) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 9) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 10) = ""
                'Obtd %
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 11) = ""
                'ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 12) = ""
                'Setting Status
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 1) = "Pending"
                iPendUserCount = iPendUserCount + 1
                ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.Rows(iCounter).Font.Color = "Red"
            End If
            iCounter = iCounter + 1
    End If
    ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Font.Name = "Verdana"
    ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Borders.Application = "True"
    Call DeleteSheets
    ReportSheet.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Borders.Weight = xlThin
    ReportSheet.Caption = "Reports"
    CmdAnswerSheet.Enabled = False
    ReportSheet.Caption = "Project Status Report"
    lblExcelNote.Visible = False
    LblStatus.Caption = (iFinalUserCount - iPendUserCount) & "/" & iPendUserCount
    Call SetGridFormat
 End Sub
Upvote 0
Where did you check the codename? You can only see that in the VBEditor
Upvote 0
i checked it in VBEditor itself. I did take up your suggestion and assumed it would be referring to a sheet and since i couldn't find one i inserted a sheet naming it as ReportSheet. the i removed the code .activesheet from the code and ran it seems to have worked but something else failed
  ReportSheet.UsedRange.Borders.Application = "True"
saying "invalid use of property"

Not sure what needs to be done either.

Private Sub Project_Status_report()

    Dim strReadQ        As String
    Dim sSQL            As String
    Dim rsReadEmaminee  As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sSQLEmp         As String
    Dim rsEmpResults    As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim iCounter        As Integer
    Dim sTempUserId     As String
    Dim sTempUserName   As String
    Dim bPending        As Boolean
    Dim iAttempt        As Integer
    Dim bFail           As Boolean
    Dim iPercentage     As Integer
    Dim iFinalUserCount As Integer
    Dim iPendUserCount  As Integer
    CmdAnswerSheet.Enabled = False
    Label3.Visible = True
    LblStatus.Visible = True

    'RESET all Search controls
    cboLevel.Text = ""
    cboLevel.BackColor = vbWhite
    cboModule.Text = ""
    cboModule.BackColor = vbWhite
    CboName.Text = ""
    CboName.BackColor = vbWhite
    CboTestType.Text = ""
    CboTestType.BackColor = vbWhite

    If ConnectDB.State = adStateClosed Then
    End If
    sSQLEmp = "SELECT * FROM Emp_Master WHERE EMP_Status = 1 ORDER BY Emp_First_Name"
    sSQL = "Select * from Emp_Test_Result ORDER BY Test_Date DESC"

    Set rsReadEmaminee = New ADODB.Recordset
    rsReadEmaminee.Open sSQLEmp, ConnectDB 'Create the recordset.
    Set rsReadEmaminee.ActiveConnection = Nothing

    Set rsEmpResults = New ADODB.Recordset
    rsEmpResults.Open sSQL, ConnectDB 'Create the recordset.
    Set rsEmpResults.ActiveConnection = Nothing
    ReportSheet.Cells(1, 1).Select
    If rsReadEmaminee.State = 1 And rsReadEmaminee.RecordCount > 0 Then
        iFinalUserCount = rsReadEmaminee.RecordCount
        Call SetReportHeader("P")
        Let iCounter = 2
        While Not rsReadEmaminee.EOF
            sTempUserId = rsReadEmaminee.Fields("Emp_User_ID").Value
            rsEmpResults.Filter = adFilterNone
            rsEmpResults.Filter = "Test_Employee_Id = '" & sTempUserId & "'"
            sTempUserName = GetUserName(sTempUserId)
            ' Filling excel sheet with records...
            'User Name
            ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 2) = UCase(sTempUserName)
            'User Id
            ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 3) = LCase(sTempUserId)
            bPending = False
            bFail = False
            If rsEmpResults.RecordCount > 0 Then
                'Test Type
                rsTestType.Filter = adFilterNone
                rsTestType.Filter = " Test_Type = '" & rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Type").Value & "'"
                If rsTestType.RecordCount > 0 Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 4) = rsTestType.Fields("Test_Full_Form").Value
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 4) = "-"
                End If
                ' iPercentage = Val(rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Marks").Value)
                If iPercentage >= 60 Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 5) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Result").Value
             ElseIf iPercentage < 60 Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 5) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Result").Value
                End If
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 1) = "Completed"
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 6) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Comments").Value & ""
                If (rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Experience_level").Value = 1) Then
                    reportlevel = "Basic"
                    explevel = 1
                ElseIf (rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Experience_level").Value = 2) Then
                    reportlevel = "Intermediate"
                    explevel = 2
                ElseIf (rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Experience_level").Value = 3) Then
                    reportlevel = "Expert"
                    explevel = 3
                End If
                frmAnswerSheet.lblAttempted.Caption = "(Q's Attempted = " & rsEmpResults.Fields("Questions_Attempted").Value & ")"
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 7) = reportlevel
                iAttempt = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Attempt_Number").Value
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 8) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Attempt_Number").Value
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 9) = rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 10) = "'" & rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Correct_Answers_Count").Value & "/" & rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Question_Count").Value
                'Obtd %
                iPercentage = Val(rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Marks").Value)
                If iPercentage < 60 Then
                    bFail = True
                    bPending = True
                End If
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 11) = "'" & iPercentage & " %"
               ' ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 12) = rsEmpResults.Fields("moduleid").Value
                'Setting Status
                If bFail = True Then
                    If iAttempt = 1 And DateDiff("d", rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value, Date) > 15 Then
                        bPending = True
                    End If
                    If iAttempt = 2 And DateDiff("d", rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value, Date) > 30 Then
                        bPending = True
                    End If
                    '6 months
                    If DateDiff("d", rsEmpResults.Fields("Test_Date").Value, Date) > 180 Then
                        bPending = True
                    End If
                End If
                If bPending = True Then
                    ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 1) = "Pending"
                    ReportSheet.Rows(iCounter).Font.Color = "Red"
                    iPendUserCount = iPendUserCount + 1
                    ElseIf bPending = False Then
                    ReportSheet.Rows(iCounter).Font.Color = "Green"
                End If
                'Test Type
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 4) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 5) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 6) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 7) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 8) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 9) = ""
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 10) = ""
                'Obtd %
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 11) = ""
                'ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 12) = ""
                'Setting Status
                ReportSheet.Cells(iCounter, 1) = "Pending"
                iPendUserCount = iPendUserCount + 1
                ReportSheet.Rows(iCounter).Font.Color = "Red"
            End If
            iCounter = iCounter + 1
    End If
    ReportSheet.UsedRange.Font.Name = "Verdana"
[COLOR=#ff0000]    #### ReportSheet.UsedRange.Borders.[B]Application [/B]= "True" (here i get invalid use of property highlighting application)[/COLOR]
    Call DeleteSheets
    ReportSheet.UsedRange.Borders.Weight = xlThin
    ReportSheet.Caption = "Reports"
    CmdAnswerSheet.Enabled = False
    ReportSheet.Caption = "Project Status Report"
    lblExcelNote.Visible = False
    LblStatus.Caption = (iFinalUserCount - iPendUserCount) & "/" & iPendUserCount
    Call SetGridFormat
 End Sub
Upvote 0
What are you trying to do - why did you add .Application?
Upvote 0
What are you trying to do - why did you add .Application?

I am trying to get this macro running. It's was created in excel03 I am trying to run it in 2010. My boss had me look into it to see if I can make it work. I am not sure why .application is written. I checked Google could not find a correct match to this function. Does that command even make sense?
Upvote 0

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