Hi, I've got a big file broken down into manageable sizes - about 4500 rows each.
Each Unique Identity may have 1 to maybe 10/15 rows (varies). Mostly, each row contains one column of non-blank data (some have more than one cell that is non-blank). I want to merge/roll up these rows into 1 row. If there are duplicate values, they should just be ignored.
Here is idea of what data looks like:
ID Address City State Title Phone Fax Email
a 123 main city CA
a the boss
a 888-1212
a email@email.com
a 123 main city CA
b 56 A st. yes IA
b the real boss
b 888-1212 555-1212
I want the result to be:
ID Address City State Title Phone Fax Emaila 123 main city CA the boss 888-1212 email@email.com
b 56 A st. yes IA the real boss 888-1212 555-1212This should be easy, but I just can't seem to get my head around it. There are many examples for summarizing the data or consolidating data into a cell = but I'm pretty sure that's not what I want.
If I could do with excel formula, that would be fine. I think there must be a VBA macro floating around out there that already does this... excel 2007 doesn't seem to have a button to push to do this task. I just need to automate this process.
The outcome needs to have horizontal orientation to be able to export/import data...
I really appreciate any help...
Each Unique Identity may have 1 to maybe 10/15 rows (varies). Mostly, each row contains one column of non-blank data (some have more than one cell that is non-blank). I want to merge/roll up these rows into 1 row. If there are duplicate values, they should just be ignored.
Here is idea of what data looks like:
ID Address City State Title Phone Fax Email
a 123 main city CA
a the boss
a 888-1212
a email@email.com
a 123 main city CA
b 56 A st. yes IA
b the real boss
b 888-1212 555-1212
I want the result to be:
ID Address City State Title Phone Fax Emaila 123 main city CA the boss 888-1212 email@email.com
b 56 A st. yes IA the real boss 888-1212 555-1212This should be easy, but I just can't seem to get my head around it. There are many examples for summarizing the data or consolidating data into a cell = but I'm pretty sure that's not what I want.
If I could do with excel formula, that would be fine. I think there must be a VBA macro floating around out there that already does this... excel 2007 doesn't seem to have a button to push to do this task. I just need to automate this process.
The outcome needs to have horizontal orientation to be able to export/import data...
I really appreciate any help...