Good afternoon
I am looking for help with the below code please, as although it works insofar as it creates the file and appears to attach all eighty pdf's due to the fact that the files in the folder total 28MB, and the created file is 28MB, however, when I open the created file, it only has one of the eighty pdf's showing
I cannot work out why it only shows one of the pdf's instead of all of them, and so any help would be appreciated please.
Many Thanks
I am looking for help with the below code please, as although it works insofar as it creates the file and appears to attach all eighty pdf's due to the fact that the files in the folder total 28MB, and the created file is 28MB, however, when I open the created file, it only has one of the eighty pdf's showing

I cannot work out why it only shows one of the pdf's instead of all of them, and so any help would be appreciated please.
Many Thanks
VBA Code:
Sub JoinFiles()
Dim StrPath As String, FileName As String, FileExt As String
FileName = "Name It" ' New File name <<<<<
FileExt = ".pdf"
StrPath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\pdf Folder" ' replace with Your Folder Path
Call JoinFiles_In_One(StrPath, FileName, FileExt)
End Sub
Public Sub JoinFiles_In_One(FlderPath As String, FileName As String, FileExt As String)
Dim oFSO As Object
Dim oFolder As Object
Dim oFile As Object
Dim SourceFile As String, TargetFile As String
StrPath = FlderPath
PathArr = Split(StrPath, "\")
UstrPath = UBound(PathArr)
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(StrPath)
' List Files
N = 0
SourceFile = ""
TargetFile = ""
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
If oFile.Name <> FileName & FileExt Then
Open FlderPath & "\" & oFile.Name For Binary As #1
N = N + 1
SourceFile = Right(FileExt, Len(FileExt) - 1) & "_" & N
SourceFile = String(LOF(1), 0)
Get #1, 1, SourceFile
Close #1
TargetFile = TargetFile & SourceFile
End If
Next oFile
'Mergge File
Open FlderPath & "\" & FileName & FileExt For Binary As #1
Put #1, 1, TargetFile
Close #1
End Sub