I am encoutering "Out of Memory" error when running my macro, i have zoom down to this sub that make the memory usage increase from 100,000k to over 500,000k until the error hit
This sub will take around 5k data and expand to more than 150k data in another sheet. The funny thing is when debugging, the memory won't increase but when let it run continuosly, it increase tremendously.
Any advise to improve this code further to prevent memory leak?
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
I am encoutering "Out of Memory" error when running my macro, i have zoom down to this sub that make the memory usage increase from 100,000k to over 500,000k until the error hit
This sub will take around 5k data and expand to more than 150k data in another sheet. The funny thing is when debugging, the memory won't increase but when let it run continuosly, it increase tremendously.

Any advise to improve this code further to prevent memory leak?
Please help.
Thanks in advance.

Sub MapSourceWithData()
Dim destWs As Worksheet
Dim vSrcData As Variant
Dim rData As Range
Dim rDataFiltered As Range
Dim vaMappedData() As Variant
Dim vaOutput() As Variant
Dim c As Variant
Dim newRow As Long
Dim colLen As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim colDex As Long
Dim rowMaxCount As Integer
Dim isSuccess As Boolean
'Set MyTimer = New CTimer
rowMaxCount = 1
newRow = 1
vSrcData = Sheets("ProductionMBOMData").UsedRange.Value
Set rData = Sheets("SpecialNotes").UsedRange
colLen = UBound(vSrcData, 2) + 1
'Prepare for autofilter
rData.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
rData.Columns("E:F").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
rData.Rows("1:1").EntireRow.Hidden = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual
'Set Header for new sheet
'If sheet not exists, create
If Not IsSheetExists("SrcWithSteps") Then
With Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
.Name = "SrcWithSteps"
End With
End If
Set destWs = Sheets("SrcWithSteps")
For colDex = 1 To colLen - 1
destWs.Cells(1, colDex).Value = vSrcData(1, colDex)
Next colDex
destWs.Cells(1, colLen).Value = "STEPCODE"
ReDim Preserve vaMappedData(1 To colLen, 1 To rowMaxOutput)
'Start from 2 to skip header
For i = 2 To UBound(vSrcData, 1)
rData.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=vSrcData(i, 11)
On Error Resume Next
Set rDataFiltered = rData.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rDataFiltered Is Nothing Then
For Each c In rDataFiltered
'vaMappedData = array(col, row), have to transpose before output to sheet
If rowMaxCount > rowMaxOutput Then
isSuccess = TransposeArray(vaMappedData, vaOutput)
If isSuccess Then
destWs.Range("A" & (2 + newRow - rowMaxCount)).Resize(UBound(vaOutput, 1), UBound(vaOutput, 2)).Value = vaOutput
End If
Erase vaOutput
ReDim vaMappedData(1 To colLen, 1 To rowMaxOutput)
rowMaxCount = 1
End If
'copy all data in Src
For colDex = 1 To colLen - 1
vaMappedData(colDex, rowMaxCount) = vSrcData(i, colDex)
Next colDex
vaMappedData(colLen, rowMaxCount) = c.Value
newRow = newRow + 1
rowMaxCount = rowMaxCount + 1
Next c
If rowMaxCount > rowMaxOutput Then
isSuccess = TransposeArray(vaMappedData, vaOutput)
If isSuccess Then
destWs.Range("A" & (2 + newRow - rowMaxCount)).Resize(UBound(vaOutput, 1), UBound(vaOutput, 2)).Value = vaOutput
End If
Erase vaOutput
ReDim vaMappedData(1 To colLen, 1 To rowMaxOutput)
rowMaxCount = 1
End If
For colDex = 1 To colLen - 1
vaMappedData(colDex, rowMaxCount) = vSrcData(i, colDex)
Next colDex
vaMappedData(colLen, rowMaxCount) = "NOT FOUND"
newRow = newRow + 1
rowMaxCount = rowMaxCount + 1
End If
Set rDataFiltered = Nothing
Next i
'vaMappedData = array(row, col), transposing before output to sheet
isSuccess = TransposeArray(vaMappedData, vaOutput)
'Reset autofilter
rData.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
rData.Columns("E:F").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
rData.Rows("1:1").EntireRow.Hidden = False
Sheets("Main").Range("C23").Value = MyTimer.TimeElapsed
'Check Data
destWs.Range("A" & (2 + newRow - rowMaxCount)).Resize(UBound(vaOutput, 1), UBound(vaOutput, 2)).Value = vaOutput
Set rData = Nothing
Set rDataFiltered = Nothing
Erase vSrcData
Erase vaMappedData
Erase vaOutput
Erase c
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
End Sub