Hey guys,
I have a question regarding MEMO fields being called into Excel from an Access db. I'll provide 2 sections of code. The first one pulls a bunch of information including a MEMO field from 2 tables and pastes the record set into a listbox. This returns all characters from the MEMO field. The second section of code does exactly the same thing except pastes the record set to a cell reference on a worksheet. The latter will not return all the characters (if any) from the MEMO field;
Now both do exactly the same query, but the first one returns everything to the LISTBOX including the full MEMO field from the DB, but the second returns everything else EXCEPT the MEMO field to the worksheet
If EvidMEM is changed to Left(EvidMEM, 255) then it will show the first 255 characters of the MEMO field when pasted to the Worksheet, but nothing past 255 will be pasted to the worksheet.
This doesn't make any sense to me because the character limit of a cell is around 37,000 with 1024 of them being visible from the sheet.
Can anyone tell me why it pastes the full MEMO into the LISTBOX but not into a Worksheet? Many thanks
I have a question regarding MEMO fields being called into Excel from an Access db. I'll provide 2 sections of code. The first one pulls a bunch of information including a MEMO field from 2 tables and pastes the record set into a listbox. This returns all characters from the MEMO field. The second section of code does exactly the same thing except pastes the record set to a cell reference on a worksheet. The latter will not return all the characters (if any) from the MEMO field;
Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection, Rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim MyConn, sSQL As String
Dim n As Integer
MyConn = "S:\Shared Applications 9\Shared Applications 3\Objective Trackers\Collections\CompAndVal.mdb"
sSQL = "SELECT evidences.EvidID, compsandvals.CompID, compsandvals.SectionName, compsandvals.LevelName, compsandvals.DesName, evidences.EvidDT, evidences.EvidMEM FROM evidences, compsandvals WHERE evidences.StaffID = '" & Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Range("A70").Value & "' AND evidences.CompID = compsandvals.CompID ORDER BY evidences.EvidDT, evidences.EvidID ASC"
Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection
With Cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.Properties("Data Source") = "S:\Shared Applications 9\Shared Applications 3\Objective Trackers\Collections\CompAndVal.mdb"
.Open MyConn
Set Rs = .Execute(sSQL)
End With
n = Rs.RecordCount
'If there are no records in an advisor's comp and vals we need to catch the error it will produce
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
frmSelect.lstCompNo.Column = Rs.GetRows(n)
frmSelect.lstCompNo.ColumnWidths = "50;0;150;85;200;50;900"
Set Rs = Nothing
Set Cn = Nothing
Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection, Rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim MyConn, sSQL As String
MyConn = "S:\Shared Applications 9\Shared Applications 3\Objective Trackers\Collections\CompAndVal.mdb"
sSQL = "SELECT evidences.EvidID, compsandvals.CompID, compsandvals.SectionName, compsandvals.LevelName, compsandvals.DesName, evidences.EvidDT, evidences.EvidMEM FROM evidences, compsandvals WHERE evidences.StaffID = '" & Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Range("A70").Value & "' AND evidences.CompID = compsandvals.CompID ORDER BY evidences.EvidDT, evidences.EvidID ASC"
Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection
With Cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.Properties("Data Source") = "S:\Shared Applications 9\Shared Applications 3\Objective Trackers\Collections\CompAndVal.mdb"
.Open MyConn
Set Rs = .Execute(sSQL)
End With
Worksheets("tempPrint").Range("C104").Value = "LIST OF EVIDENCES PROVIDED"
Worksheets("tempPrint").Range("C106").CopyFromRecordset Rs
Set Rs = Nothing
Set Cn = Nothing
Now both do exactly the same query, but the first one returns everything to the LISTBOX including the full MEMO field from the DB, but the second returns everything else EXCEPT the MEMO field to the worksheet
If EvidMEM is changed to Left(EvidMEM, 255) then it will show the first 255 characters of the MEMO field when pasted to the Worksheet, but nothing past 255 will be pasted to the worksheet.
This doesn't make any sense to me because the character limit of a cell is around 37,000 with 1024 of them being visible from the sheet.
Can anyone tell me why it pastes the full MEMO into the LISTBOX but not into a Worksheet? Many thanks