I have the following vba code that runs successfully if the rows created are < 1047666. The error is thrown on the following line at the end of the script where it tries to write the output.
[Sheet3!A1:B1].Resize(N).Value2 = S
Any suggestion on creating multiple pages should this value exceed the 1047666 row count or create a text output file that perhaps can have a greater line count.
Sub Demo2()
Dim W, S$(), N&, K&, V, L$(), R$(), A%, T$(3), B%, C%, D%
W = [Sheet2!A1].CurrentRegion.Value2
ReDim S(1 To Rows.Count, 1): S(1, 0) = W(1, 1): S(1, 1) = W(1, 2)
N = 1
For K = 2 To UBound(W)
For Each V In Split(W(K, 2), ",")
L = Split(V, "-")
If UBound(L) = 1 Then
R = Split(L(1), ".")
L = Split(L(0), ".")
If UBound(L) = 3 And UBound(R) = 3 Then
For A = L(0) To R(0)
T(0) = A
For B = -L(1) * (A = L(0) * 1) To IIf(A < R(0) * 1, 255, R(1))
T(1) = B
For C = -L(2) * (B = L(1) * 1) To IIf(B < R(1) * 1, 255, R(2))
T(2) = C
For D = -L(3) * (C = L(2) * 1) To IIf(C < R(2) * 1, 255, R(3))
T(3) = D
N = N + 1
S(N, 0) = W(K, 1)
S(N, 1) = Join(T, ".")
Next D, C, B, A
End If
N = N + 1
S(N, 0) = W(K, 1)
S(N, 1) = V
End If
Debug.Print N
Next V, K
[Sheet3!A1:B1].Resize(N).Value2 = S
End Sub
[Sheet3!A1:B1].Resize(N).Value2 = S
Any suggestion on creating multiple pages should this value exceed the 1047666 row count or create a text output file that perhaps can have a greater line count.
Sub Demo2()
Dim W, S$(), N&, K&, V, L$(), R$(), A%, T$(3), B%, C%, D%
W = [Sheet2!A1].CurrentRegion.Value2
ReDim S(1 To Rows.Count, 1): S(1, 0) = W(1, 1): S(1, 1) = W(1, 2)
N = 1
For K = 2 To UBound(W)
For Each V In Split(W(K, 2), ",")
L = Split(V, "-")
If UBound(L) = 1 Then
R = Split(L(1), ".")
L = Split(L(0), ".")
If UBound(L) = 3 And UBound(R) = 3 Then
For A = L(0) To R(0)
T(0) = A
For B = -L(1) * (A = L(0) * 1) To IIf(A < R(0) * 1, 255, R(1))
T(1) = B
For C = -L(2) * (B = L(1) * 1) To IIf(B < R(1) * 1, 255, R(2))
T(2) = C
For D = -L(3) * (C = L(2) * 1) To IIf(C < R(2) * 1, 255, R(3))
T(3) = D
N = N + 1
S(N, 0) = W(K, 1)
S(N, 1) = Join(T, ".")
Next D, C, B, A
End If
N = N + 1
S(N, 0) = W(K, 1)
S(N, 1) = V
End If
Debug.Print N
Next V, K
[Sheet3!A1:B1].Resize(N).Value2 = S
End Sub