I have a math question. This does not really have anything to do with excel. The issue is we are trying to calculate a given number across time and hierarchy. The tool cannot be set to calculate only across one, but not the other. So I have run into a math issue trying to figure out what the equivilent would be. I'm trying to solve this equation so that all X's end up in one fraction and all the Y's end up in another so that they can be summed together. (The issue is we have to sum up from the bottom where X would have no access to numbers in Y except to sum the totals together)Xi would not be X*i it would be X subscript i:
Zz = (((Xs-Xm) * Xc - Xm + (Ys+Ym) * Yc - Ym)/(Xs + Xm + Ys + Ym)) + Xm + Ym
If it's not possible let me know that as well.
Zz = (((Xs-Xm) * Xc - Xm + (Ys+Ym) * Yc - Ym)/(Xs + Xm + Ys + Ym)) + Xm + Ym
If it's not possible let me know that as well.