I would like to develop some code that would line up rows of data with cells that have matching values in column B & C on the same row. Clear as mud I know!!!
It would be easier with a picture!
Anyway...I have a list of badge numbers in column B, rows 7 thru 11 as 1,2,3,4,5. Data is manually pasted to the right of column B in column C with badge numbers in column C and other data from column D to I. The badge numbers in column C will typically be the same as column B but in a different order (i.e. 5,4,2,1,3). I would like the code to line up columns B & C badge numbers and all the information from columns D to I being sorted accordingly. Also, if there are additional badge numbers in column C that don't appear in column B, I would like them, along with column D to I information being placed at the bottom of the list.
I hope this is understandable.
I would like to develop some code that would line up rows of data with cells that have matching values in column B & C on the same row. Clear as mud I know!!!

It would be easier with a picture!
Anyway...I have a list of badge numbers in column B, rows 7 thru 11 as 1,2,3,4,5. Data is manually pasted to the right of column B in column C with badge numbers in column C and other data from column D to I. The badge numbers in column C will typically be the same as column B but in a different order (i.e. 5,4,2,1,3). I would like the code to line up columns B & C badge numbers and all the information from columns D to I being sorted accordingly. Also, if there are additional badge numbers in column C that don't appear in column B, I would like them, along with column D to I information being placed at the bottom of the list.
I hope this is understandable.