I'm sorry. I believe pgc01's solution will work for a similar situation I'm having but I don't understand how you're telling the "Sheet1_calc" tab to not update automatically. Where is the option to disable automatic calculations on a specific worksheet (in this case "Sheet1_Calc"? I can find the option to disable this for the entire workbook but not a single worksheet/tab.
Also, I'm in excel 2007.
Thank you for your help!
Welcome to the board
You have 2 options:
1 - using vba. You create a button and assign it a macro with the 2 statements at the end of post #7.
What they do is simply to enable calculation on Sheet1_Calc (forcing the sheet to recalculate) and then disable calculation on Sheet2_Calc again.
This button you create will work like a "private" F9 key, that forces recalculation but only in that specific Sheet. The rest of the time Sheet1_Calc has calculation disabled.
2 - manually (for ex. for tests)
You change it in the properties window of Sheet1_Calc
To display the properties window
. Select a cell in Sheet1_Calc
. click on the menu tab Developer
. in the Controls group click on the Properties button
You'll see the Sheet1_Calc properties window and you can change the EnableCalculation property manually.
Notice that this property is specific to Sheet1_Calc, it will not change the calculation in other sheets.
Go to the VB editor (Alt-F11)
Select the Sheet1_Calc module
In the Menu->View choose Properties Window (or, if you know the button click on the Properties Window button on the toolbar, or press F4)
Now you have the properties window again and you can change the EnableCalculation value.