Hi Scottylad,
Thought id reply to your post as it was awaiting an answer!
I had a few best friends when learning VBA EXCEL
1) Macro recorder!
mess about
view code
edit code to do something different
My first macro was to put my name in A1/ Surname in A2
Then i changed it to put a different name in
Then i changed it so it used an input box to put the name in
an so on....an now its a whole add in of its own!
2) The object browser (F2 when the visual basic window is visible) filter by excel and you will see every class and allthe properties within, this will quickly help you to understand how hierarchy works within excel IE Application/workbook/worksheet and which property is manipulated where.If you have a microsoft office installed go to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\1033 and open the file called VBAXL10.chm this will show the complete hierarchy for the excel object model
3)The help files F1 key when VBA editor is open will give you a wealth of VBA help and examples. Also in your code window with your cursor in your code press F1 will take you straight to the help file for the object or property where your cursor is present.
4) Mr Excel! The experts and infact everyone on this site so if your stuck post i learnt more from this site in a week than i did from books and resources in 6 months just by asking lots of questions and searching through the questions!
5) The web, heres some top sites to get you going:
http://www.mvps.org/links.html#Excel A list of all excel MVPs
Hope this helps.