I created this macro to move data over from 8 other tabs to 1 tab to create a report. It works when running it line by line via debug and when running the macro from the Developer ribbon. But when I assign it to a button it doesn't gives me the same result.
I created this macro to move data over from 8 other tabs to 1 tab to create a report. It works when running it line by line via debug and when running the macro from the Developer ribbon. But when I assign it to a button it doesn't gives me the same result.
VBA Code:
Sub CopyToReport()
'Set shtCopyingSheet = ActiveSheet
Set shtMainSheet = Sheets("Report")
Set shtCopyingSheet = Sheets("SurveyReport")
Dim varMainRow
Dim varCopyingRow
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim aList(1 To 7) As String
Dim item As Variant
'Populate the array
aList(1) = "Main Room"
aList(2) = "Small Rooms"
aList(3) = "Bathrooms"
aList(4) = "Large Rooms"
aList(5) = "Security Rooms"
aList(6) = "Offices"
aList(7) = "Issues"
'Turn off calculations and screen updating to speed up process
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Start with SurveyReport to Report
varCopyingRow = 9
varMainRow = 9
Do Until varCopyingRow > 400
'Look at Column P for Yes, up to row 400
If UCase(shtCopyingSheet.Range("P" & varCopyingRow)) = "YES" Then
'If Yes then copy the row to other sheet
shtMainSheet.Rows(varMainRow).Insert xlShiftDown
shtCopyingSheet.Rows(varCopyingRow).Copy shtMainSheet.Rows(varMainRow)
varMainRow = varMainRow + 1
End If
varCopyingRow = varCopyingRow + 1
'Run through the list
For Each item In aList
lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Set shtCopyingSheet = Sheets(item)
varCopyingRow = 1
varMainRow = lastRow
Do Until varCopyingRow > 20
'Look at Column P for Yes, up to row 400
If UCase(shtCopyingSheet.Range("P" & varCopyingRow)) = "YES" Then
'If Yes then copy the row to other sheet
shtCopyingSheet.Rows(varCopyingRow).Copy shtMainSheet.Rows(varMainRow)
varMainRow = varMainRow + 1
End If
varCopyingRow = varCopyingRow + 1
Next item
'Set the print area
shtMainSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = shtMainSheet.Range("A1:O" & varMainRow - 1).Address
'Turn calculations and screen updating back on
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Display Sheet
End Sub