I have been using Excel for a long time now, but I am just starting to learn the benefits of macros/VBA and I am loving it.
I was hoping someone could help me with the code to import a .asc file into a workbook.
I would like to create a button that the user clicks that asks them what file they would like to use. From there it will import only select information. The .asc file is created by another program that we have no control over the file created. It creates a text file that is Tab select for all of the header information and comma select for all of the actual data. I would like the code to import line 2 (the name) from the header section and the fourth column of lines 16-25 from the data section. These will be the exact same every time.
I have included an example of what and where I would like the information entered and an example .asc file.
Thank you.
Scott Adams
I have been using Excel for a long time now, but I am just starting to learn the benefits of macros/VBA and I am loving it.
I was hoping someone could help me with the code to import a .asc file into a workbook.
I would like to create a button that the user clicks that asks them what file they would like to use. From there it will import only select information. The .asc file is created by another program that we have no control over the file created. It creates a text file that is Tab select for all of the header information and comma select for all of the actual data. I would like the code to import line 2 (the name) from the header section and the fourth column of lines 16-25 from the data section. These will be the exact same every time.
I have included an example of what and where I would like the information entered and an example .asc file.
Thank you.
Scott Adams