You can "sort of disable" the query refreshing by uncheking the "Refresh this connection on Refresh All" found in the Query Properties. If you protect the worksheet ( with or without a password ) your query is about as disabled as it gets without deleting the actual query.
When you're done this you can use simple macro to unprotect the sheet, refresh the query and protect the sheet again:
VBA Code:
Dim PW As String
PW = "123"
ActiveSheet.Unprotect (PW)
ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Query - YourQueryName").Refresh
ActiveSheet.Protect (PW)
If you don't want to use a password to protect / unprotect your worksheet remove the "(PW)" from the code.
Replace the ActiveSheet references with actual sheet references to make the macro more error proof. As it is the macro will crash if you're running the macro from a wrong sheet.
If you don't know what is the name of your query you can record a macro when you refresh the macro manually. You can't refresh the queries on protected sheets so do this before protecting the sheet or when the sheet is unprotected.