Hi, me again!
I'm digging into something a previous colleague worked on which is a macro that can rename and move files. It works great, however it won't move .msg or . csv files and I can't figure it out. I added those two cases myself matching the others that were there and just not having no luck. Anyone know what I'm missing here as to why it won't move csv or msg files but will move everything else?
I'm digging into something a previous colleague worked on which is a macro that can rename and move files. It works great, however it won't move .msg or . csv files and I can't figure it out. I added those two cases myself matching the others that were there and just not having no luck. Anyone know what I'm missing here as to why it won't move csv or msg files but will move everything else?
Dim NewName As String
Sub Copyfilefromto()
Dim mycheck As VbMsgBoxResult
mycheck = MsgBox("Confirm that you'd like to start the file mover. The more files to move, the longer this will take. ", vbYesNo)
If mycheck = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim a As Long, x As Long
Dim FilePath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim ErrCount As Long
ErrCount = 1
x = Worksheets("Query").Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
For a = 4 To x
FilePath = Worksheets("Query").Cells(a, 4)
FileName = Worksheets("Query").Cells(a, 3)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Call GetFileType(FileName, FilePath, a)
FileCopy Worksheets("Query").Cells(a, 4) & Worksheets("Query").Cells(a, 3), Worksheets("Query").Cells(a, 1) & NewName
Next a
MsgBox ("Process Complete. Please review ErrMsgs Sheet for failures.")
Cells(2, 5).Value = x - 3
Exit Sub
Cells(ErrCount, 1).Value = FileName
Cells(ErrCount, 2).Value = Err.Description
ErrCount = ErrCount + 1
Resume Next
End Sub
Sub GetFileType(SourceName, SourcePath, iRow)
mySourcePath = SourcePath & SourceName
Set MyObject = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set mySource = MyObject.GetFile(mySourcePath)
Select Case mySource.Type
Case "Adobe Acrobat Document"
Base = Left(Cells(iRow, 3), InStr(Cells(iRow, 3), ".pdf") - 1)
Call BuildName(Base, ".pdf")
Case "Microsoft Excel Worksheet"
Base = Left(Cells(iRow, 3), InStr(Cells(iRow, 3), ".xlsx") - 1)
Call BuildName(Base, ".xlsx")
Case "Microsoft Word Document"
Base = Left(Cells(iRow, 3), InStr(Cells(iRow, 3), ".pdf") - 1)
Call BuildName(Base, ".doc")
Case "Outlook Item"
Base = Left(Cells(iRow, 3), InStr(Cells(iRow, 3), ".msg") - 1)
Call BuildName(Base, ".msg")
Case "Comma Separated Values"
Base = Left(Cells(iRow, 3), InStr(Cells(iRow, 3), ".csv") - 1)
Call BuildName(Base, ".csv")
End Select
Cells(iRow, 6).Value = NewName
End Sub
Sub BuildName(BaseName, FileExt)
Dim BegText As String
Dim EndText As String
BegText = Range("C1")
EndText = Range("C2")
If Len(BegText) > 0 Then
BegText = BegText & "_"
End If
If Len(EndText) > 0 Then
EndText = "_" & EndText
End If
NewName = BegText & BaseName & EndText & FileExt
End Sub