I work for a call center and I am in charge of keeping track of agents' statistics on a weekly scorecard.
Because it is a call center we have high turnover meaning that my list of agent names changes frequently.
I want a macro that can combine these weekly scorecards into a monthly scorecard. It would need to match the name from the first scorecard and add the data attached to that name to the next scorecard.
time on phones time off phone sick days
Week 1- John Smith 2.00 .50 1
Week 2- John Smith 5.00 1.00 2
If you have any suggestions on what I could do for this kind of macro let me know.
I work for a call center and I am in charge of keeping track of agents' statistics on a weekly scorecard.
Because it is a call center we have high turnover meaning that my list of agent names changes frequently.
I want a macro that can combine these weekly scorecards into a monthly scorecard. It would need to match the name from the first scorecard and add the data attached to that name to the next scorecard.
time on phones time off phone sick days
Week 1- John Smith 2.00 .50 1
Week 2- John Smith 5.00 1.00 2
If you have any suggestions on what I could do for this kind of macro let me know.