I have sheet a sheet called "summary" on workbooks like 'ACCNTS(P).xlsm" within the sub-folders of C:\Pull
I have tried to write code to extract the file Name on Col A where there are duplicate month and years in row1 on sheet "Summary" and extract the duplicate month and years in Col B seperated by a colon, but nothing is being extracted. There is one workbook that has a duplicate month and year
The following workbooks to be excluded when extracting the file name and duplicate month and years
"M_BR1 ACCNTS(P).xlsm" Or Filename Like "M_BR2 ACCNTS(P).xlsm" Or Filename Like "M_NCOR ACCNTS(P).xlsm")
Kinly amend my code accordingly
I have tried to write code to extract the file Name on Col A where there are duplicate month and years in row1 on sheet "Summary" and extract the duplicate month and years in Col B seperated by a colon, but nothing is being extracted. There is one workbook that has a duplicate month and year
The following workbooks to be excluded when extracting the file name and duplicate month and years
"M_BR1 ACCNTS(P).xlsm" Or Filename Like "M_BR2 ACCNTS(P).xlsm" Or Filename Like "M_NCOR ACCNTS(P).xlsm")
Kinly amend my code accordingly
Sub ExtractDuplicatesToNewWorkbook()
Dim SourceFolderPath As String
Dim DestWorkbook As Workbook
Dim DestWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim SubFolder As Object
Dim Filename As String
Dim LastColumn As Long
Dim LastItem As String
Dim monthYear As String
Dim monthYearDict As Object
' Set the source folder path
SourceFolderPath = "C:\pull"
' Create a new workbook for the extracted data
Set DestWorkbook = Workbooks.Add
Set DestWorksheet = DestWorkbook.Sheets(1)
DestWorksheet.Name = "Duplicate Months"
' Initialize the row index for writing data in the destination sheet
Dim DestRowIndex As Long
DestRowIndex = 1
' Create a dictionary to store month and year combinations
Set monthYearDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Loop through each direct subfolder in the source folder
For Each SubFolder In CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(SourceFolderPath).SubFolders
' Reset the dictionary for each subfolder
' Loop through each file in the subfolder
Filename = Dir(SubFolder.Path & "\*ACCNTS(P).xlsm")
Do While Filename <> ""
' Check if the workbook should be excluded
If Not (Filename Like "M_BR1 ACCNTS(P).xlsm" Or Filename Like "M_BR2 ACCNTS(P).xlsm" Or Filename Like "M_NCOR ACCNTS(P).xlsm") Then
' Open the workbook without displaying alerts
Dim SourceWorkbook As Workbook
Set SourceWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(SubFolder.Path & "\" & Filename, False)
' Suppress messages and alerts from the workbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
' Get the last item in row 1 on the source sheet
LastColumn = SourceWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").Cells(1, SourceWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
LastItem = SourceWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").Cells(1, LastColumn).Value
' Extract and check month and year
monthYear = Format(SourceWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").Cells(2, LastColumn).Value, "mm-yyyy")
If monthYearDict.Exists(monthYear) Then
' Duplicate found, write file name and month-year to destination sheet
DestWorksheet.Cells(DestRowIndex, 1).Value = Filename
DestWorksheet.Cells(DestRowIndex, 2).Value = monthYear
DestRowIndex = DestRowIndex + 1
' New month-year, add to dictionary
monthYearDict.Add monthYear, True
End If
' Close the source workbook without saving changes and re-enable alerts
SourceWorkbook.Close False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
' Move to the next file
Filename = Dir
Next SubFolder
' Auto-fit the column widths in the destination sheet
MsgBox "Duplicate Extraction completed!", vbInformation
End Sub