Macro to create a bar chart?


New Member
Jun 7, 2022
So I have a excel that in column A contains the following:
Screenshot 2023-05-25 160847.png

How would I create a macro that when run, it generate a bar chart with different ECRs in the X-Axis and the number of ECRS for that specific ECR as Y-Axis? For example, AAA1 will have a bar of 5, AAB3 = 4, etc. It should loop through all the sheet, not just till A9
I hope that this does what is needed. The workbook is HERE.

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Sub MakeBarChart()

'   ------------------------------
'           Declarations
'   ------------------------------

    Dim wsData As Worksheet 'Worksheet that contains the data.
    Dim wsChart As Worksheet 'Worksheet that contains the chart.
    Dim rECRLabels As Range 'Range containing ECR labels.

    Dim rECRCounts As Range 'Range containing ECR counts.
    Dim rChartDataRange As Range 'Range where all chart data is located.
    Dim rAnchorCellECRData As Range 'Upperleftmost cell where ECR data is located.
    Dim rAnchorCellChartData As Range 'Upperleftmost cell where chart data is located.
    Dim rActiveCell As Range
    Dim iLoopIndex As Integer 'Used for looping ECRs
    Dim iEntriesCount As Long
    Dim iTempVal As Long
    Dim iColumns As Long
    Dim dicECRs As Object 'Excel Dictionary contains ECR labels and counts.
    Dim vKey As Variant 'Used with dictionary to set dictionary keys.
    Dim cResults As Chart   'Chart object.
    Dim sChartName As String 'name of the chart
    Dim sChartTitle As String 'title at the top of the chart

'   ------------------------------
'           Initializations
'   ------------------------------
'   Create the dictionary object.
    Set dicECRs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set wsData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ECRs") '<= Worksheet containing data. Change as needed.
    Set wsChart = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ECRsChart") '<= Worksheet containing the chart. Change as needed.
    Set rAnchorCellECRData = wsData.Range("A1")   '<= This is the upperleftmost cell containing the ECR data in wsData.
                                                  '   It is the data's header. Change as needed.
    Set rAnchorCellChartData = wsChart.Range("C2")  '<= This is the upperleftmost cell in wsChart where chart is located
                                                    '   in worksheet wsChart. Change as needed.
    sChartTitle = "ECR Counts" '<= This is the title shown at the top of the chart. Change as needed.
    sChartName = "ECR Counts"
    Set rActiveCell = ActiveCell
    iLoopIndex = 0
'   -------------------------------------------
'         Clear Existing Data and Chart
'   -------------------------------------------

'   Clear chart data.
'   Delete the existing chart if it exists.
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0

'   -------------------------------------------
'          Get List of Unique ECRs
'   -------------------------------------------
'   Use an Excel dictionary dicECRs to gather a list of unique ECRs. Loop all ECRs.
        iLoopIndex = iLoopIndex + 1
        If rAnchorCellECRData.Offset(iLoopIndex) <> "" _
            On Error Resume Next
            dicECRs.Add Key:=rAnchorCellECRData.Offset(iLoopIndex).Value
            dicECRs(rAnchorCellECRData.Offset(iLoopIndex).Value) = 0
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If

    Loop Until rAnchorCellECRData.Offset(iLoopIndex) = ""
'   Get count of all ECR entries. Minus one because Do loop does an extra iteration.
    iEntriesCount = iLoopIndex - 1

'   -------------------------------------------
'           Get Count of Unique ECRs
'   -------------------------------------------
'   Use the Excel dictionary dicECRs to gather the count of unique ECRs.
'   Loop all dictionary entries.
    For Each vKey In dicECRs.Keys
        For iLoopIndex = 1 To iEntriesCount
            If rAnchorCellECRData.Offset(iLoopIndex) = vKey _
                iTempVal = dicECRs(vKey)
                dicECRs(vKey) = iTempVal + 1
            End If
        Next iLoopIndex

    Next vKey

'   -------------------------------------------
'           Setup Chart Data Ranges
'   -------------------------------------------

'   Set range where ECR names will be located for the chart (from dictionary).
    Set rECRLabels = rAnchorCellChartData.Resize(1, dicECRs.Count)

'   Set range where ECR counts will be located for the chart (from dictionary).
    Set rECRCounts = rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(1).Resize(1, dicECRs.Count)
'   Set data rows' names in worksheet.
    rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(0, -1).Value = "ECRs"
    rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(1, -1).Value = "Count"
    iLoopIndex = 0
'   Fill the two worksheet data rows -- labels and counts -- that make up the chart data.
    For Each vKey In dicECRs.Keys
        iLoopIndex = iLoopIndex + 1
        rECRLabels.Cells(1, iLoopIndex).Value = vKey
        rECRCounts.Cells(1, iLoopIndex).Value = dicECRs(vKey)
    Next vKey

'   ------------------------------------------------------------
'       Create and Format the Chart in Specified Worksheet
'   ------------------------------------------------------------

'   Set range where data for the chart is located. Includes ECR names,
'   ECR counts and row labels for ECRs and ECR counts.
    Set rChartDataRange = rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(0, -1).Resize(2, dicECRs.Count + 1)
'   Autofit the columns with data.
'   Create the new chart.
    Set cResults = wsChart.Shapes.AddChart.Chart
'   Set some characteristics of the chart.
    With cResults
'       Give the chart a name.
        .Parent.Name = sChartName
'       Specify the chart type.
        .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
'       Specify the location of the data.
        .SetSourceData Source:=rChartDataRange
'       Set the chart title
        .HasTitle = True
        .ChartTitle.Caption = sChartTitle
'       Set the ajor units to 1 for "integers"
        .Axes(xlValue).MajorUnit = 1
'       Delete the legend for the chart because there is only one data series.
        .HasLegend = False
    End With
'   More chart formatting.
    With wsChart.ChartObjects(sChartName)
'       Put the chart just below the data.
        .Top = rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(2, -1).Top
        .Left = rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(2, -1).Left
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'       Activate the chart to format axes.
'       Put the series label into the charts Y axis.
        With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory)
            .HasTitle = True
            With .AxisTitle
            .Caption = "ECRs"
            End With
        End With

'       Put the label into the chart's X axis.
        With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
            .HasTitle = True
            With .AxisTitle
            .Caption = "Counts"
            End With
        End With
    End With
'   ----------------------------------------------
'       Activate Chart Sheet, First Data Cell
'   ----------------------------------------------

    With rActiveCell
    End With
    rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(0, -1).Activate

End Sub
Upvote 0
What is this line?
VBA Code:
Set wsChart = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Chart") '<= Worksheet containing the chart. Change as needed.

I don't have a tab with any chart. Just a tab with the ECRs which is the line above that one.
Upvote 0
I hope that this does what is needed. The workbook is HERE.

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Sub MakeBarChart()

'   ------------------------------
'           Declarations
'   ------------------------------

    Dim wsData As Worksheet 'Worksheet that contains the data.
    Dim wsChart As Worksheet 'Worksheet that contains the chart.
    Dim rECRLabels As Range 'Range containing ECR labels.

    Dim rECRCounts As Range 'Range containing ECR counts.
    Dim rChartDataRange As Range 'Range where all chart data is located.
    Dim rAnchorCellECRData As Range 'Upperleftmost cell where ECR data is located.
    Dim rAnchorCellChartData As Range 'Upperleftmost cell where chart data is located.
    Dim rActiveCell As Range
    Dim iLoopIndex As Integer 'Used for looping ECRs
    Dim iEntriesCount As Long
    Dim iTempVal As Long
    Dim iColumns As Long
    Dim dicECRs As Object 'Excel Dictionary contains ECR labels and counts.
    Dim vKey As Variant 'Used with dictionary to set dictionary keys.
    Dim cResults As Chart   'Chart object.
    Dim sChartName As String 'name of the chart
    Dim sChartTitle As String 'title at the top of the chart

'   ------------------------------
'           Initializations
'   ------------------------------
'   Create the dictionary object.
    Set dicECRs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set wsData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ECRs") '<= Worksheet containing data. Change as needed.
    Set wsChart = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ECRsChart") '<= Worksheet containing the chart. Change as needed.
    Set rAnchorCellECRData = wsData.Range("A1")   '<= This is the upperleftmost cell containing the ECR data in wsData.
                                                  '   It is the data's header. Change as needed.
    Set rAnchorCellChartData = wsChart.Range("C2")  '<= This is the upperleftmost cell in wsChart where chart is located
                                                    '   in worksheet wsChart. Change as needed.
    sChartTitle = "ECR Counts" '<= This is the title shown at the top of the chart. Change as needed.
    sChartName = "ECR Counts"
    Set rActiveCell = ActiveCell
    iLoopIndex = 0
'   -------------------------------------------
'         Clear Existing Data and Chart
'   -------------------------------------------

'   Clear chart data.
'   Delete the existing chart if it exists.
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0

'   -------------------------------------------
'          Get List of Unique ECRs
'   -------------------------------------------
'   Use an Excel dictionary dicECRs to gather a list of unique ECRs. Loop all ECRs.
        iLoopIndex = iLoopIndex + 1
        If rAnchorCellECRData.Offset(iLoopIndex) <> "" _
            On Error Resume Next
            dicECRs.Add Key:=rAnchorCellECRData.Offset(iLoopIndex).Value
            dicECRs(rAnchorCellECRData.Offset(iLoopIndex).Value) = 0
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If

    Loop Until rAnchorCellECRData.Offset(iLoopIndex) = ""
'   Get count of all ECR entries. Minus one because Do loop does an extra iteration.
    iEntriesCount = iLoopIndex - 1

'   -------------------------------------------
'           Get Count of Unique ECRs
'   -------------------------------------------
'   Use the Excel dictionary dicECRs to gather the count of unique ECRs.
'   Loop all dictionary entries.
    For Each vKey In dicECRs.Keys
        For iLoopIndex = 1 To iEntriesCount
            If rAnchorCellECRData.Offset(iLoopIndex) = vKey _
                iTempVal = dicECRs(vKey)
                dicECRs(vKey) = iTempVal + 1
            End If
        Next iLoopIndex

    Next vKey

'   -------------------------------------------
'           Setup Chart Data Ranges
'   -------------------------------------------

'   Set range where ECR names will be located for the chart (from dictionary).
    Set rECRLabels = rAnchorCellChartData.Resize(1, dicECRs.Count)

'   Set range where ECR counts will be located for the chart (from dictionary).
    Set rECRCounts = rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(1).Resize(1, dicECRs.Count)
'   Set data rows' names in worksheet.
    rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(0, -1).Value = "ECRs"
    rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(1, -1).Value = "Count"
    iLoopIndex = 0
'   Fill the two worksheet data rows -- labels and counts -- that make up the chart data.
    For Each vKey In dicECRs.Keys
        iLoopIndex = iLoopIndex + 1
        rECRLabels.Cells(1, iLoopIndex).Value = vKey
        rECRCounts.Cells(1, iLoopIndex).Value = dicECRs(vKey)
    Next vKey

'   ------------------------------------------------------------
'       Create and Format the Chart in Specified Worksheet
'   ------------------------------------------------------------

'   Set range where data for the chart is located. Includes ECR names,
'   ECR counts and row labels for ECRs and ECR counts.
    Set rChartDataRange = rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(0, -1).Resize(2, dicECRs.Count + 1)
'   Autofit the columns with data.
'   Create the new chart.
    Set cResults = wsChart.Shapes.AddChart.Chart
'   Set some characteristics of the chart.
    With cResults
'       Give the chart a name.
        .Parent.Name = sChartName
'       Specify the chart type.
        .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
'       Specify the location of the data.
        .SetSourceData Source:=rChartDataRange
'       Set the chart title
        .HasTitle = True
        .ChartTitle.Caption = sChartTitle
'       Set the ajor units to 1 for "integers"
        .Axes(xlValue).MajorUnit = 1
'       Delete the legend for the chart because there is only one data series.
        .HasLegend = False
    End With
'   More chart formatting.
    With wsChart.ChartObjects(sChartName)
'       Put the chart just below the data.
        .Top = rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(2, -1).Top
        .Left = rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(2, -1).Left
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'       Activate the chart to format axes.
'       Put the series label into the charts Y axis.
        With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory)
            .HasTitle = True
            With .AxisTitle
            .Caption = "ECRs"
            End With
        End With

'       Put the label into the chart's X axis.
        With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
            .HasTitle = True
            With .AxisTitle
            .Caption = "Counts"
            End With
        End With
    End With
'   ----------------------------------------------
'       Activate Chart Sheet, First Data Cell
'   ----------------------------------------------

    With rActiveCell
    End With
    rAnchorCellChartData.Offset(0, -1).Activate

End Sub

What is this line?
VBA Code:
Set wsChart = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Chart") '<= Worksheet containing the chart. Change as needed.

I don't have a tab with any chart. Just a tab with the ECRs which is the line above that one.
Upvote 0
That specifies the tab name where the chart is located. When I set up the file I had the chart placed into a sheet other than the one containing ECR data. As the comment notes, change it to whatever tab name is correct for you.
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If you want it placed into the same sheet as the ECR data replace that worksheet name; make it the name of the ECR data sheet.
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