I am trying to optimize paperwork and I cant figure out how to compile two separate macros to work as I need.
On Excel worrk book I have two sheets.
Sheet1 contains order form (invoice, etc.)
Sheet2 contains list of product name and quantity.
I need to do a macro so it would take "Product name" from list(eg. Sheet2 A1 to Sheet1 N10) and change number interchangeable from 1 to "Quantity" (eg. Sheet2 B2 to Sheet1 R10) and print all generated copies through all the list
For example: Sheet2 contains product "TEST" and quantity is "3". So printout will be 3 pages "TEST - 1", "TEST - 2", 'TEST - 3" And then folow to the next value in the list.
Thank for tips.
I have found a way to print number of copies with interchangeable number using this code below.
Thread in tihs forum called "VBA macro for REPLACE cell value from a list THEN print! Important
" has macro for replacing values. So I wonder how to merge these codes?
I am trying to optimize paperwork and I cant figure out how to compile two separate macros to work as I need.
On Excel worrk book I have two sheets.
Sheet1 contains order form (invoice, etc.)
Sheet2 contains list of product name and quantity.
I need to do a macro so it would take "Product name" from list(eg. Sheet2 A1 to Sheet1 N10) and change number interchangeable from 1 to "Quantity" (eg. Sheet2 B2 to Sheet1 R10) and print all generated copies through all the list
For example: Sheet2 contains product "TEST" and quantity is "3". So printout will be 3 pages "TEST - 1", "TEST - 2", 'TEST - 3" And then folow to the next value in the list.
Thank for tips.
I have found a way to print number of copies with interchangeable number using this code below.
Sub Technologiniu_korteliu_kiekis()
Dim CopiesCount As Long
Dim copynumber As Long
CopiesCount = Application.InputBox("How many copies do you want?", Type:=1)
'Now the program wants you to input how many pages you like to print.
'You can input 100 here.
For copynumber = 1 To CopiesCount
With ActiveSheet
.Range("L7").Value = copynumber 'I assume your invoice number is in cell E1.
.PrintOut 'Print the sheet
End With
Next copynumber
End Sub
Thread in tihs forum called "VBA macro for REPLACE cell value from a list THEN print! Important