Hi all, if anyone has time to help me make the following macro better, more efficient, best practice, whatever-the-right-term-is, it would be greatly appreciated. User currently copies into the working file, three data sets. Each of these data sets is on its own tab and is filtered for specific records. These filtered records are then manually copied, and pasted one after the other to a new tab called "Combined". The final output is on another tab, "Final", that links to "Combined". So, please cast your eyes over this macro that copies the filtered rows from each imported dataset, and then pastes each to the Combined tab.
As it stands, the macro seems to work ok. just want to make it tighter.
This job, I am using Excel 64 bit on a Windows machine.
As it stands, the macro seems to work ok. just want to make it tighter.
This job, I am using Excel 64 bit on a Windows machine.
Sub copy_filtered_data()
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False ' stop screen flashing as macro runs
.DisplayAlerts = False ' stop alert messages
.EnableEvents = False ' disable events running
End With
Dim rngTable As Range, rngCalcTable As Range, rngConvTable As Range
Dim rCell As Range, bCell As Range, pCell As Range, visibleRows As Long, filtRows As Long, gotRows As Long
Dim lRow As Long, nRow As Long, gRow As Long
'clear existing recoreds from Combined tab.
'can't use delete as that destroys the links on the final tab
With Worksheets("Combined")
.Rows("6:" & .Rows.Count).ClearContents
End With
'count visible rows
With Worksheets("T1 Download")
Set rngTable = .ListObjects("Table1").Range
For Each rCell In rngTable.Resize(, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
visibleRows = visibleRows + 1
Next rCell
lRow = visibleRows - 1
End With
'count visible rows
With Worksheets("Calculation PPR")
Set rngCalcTable = .ListObjects("CalcPPR").Range
For Each bCell In rngCalcTable.Resize(, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
filtRows = filtRows + 1
Next bCell
nRow = filtRows - 1
End With
'count visible rows
With Worksheets("P6 Conversion to Forward Plan")
Set rngConvTable = .ListObjects("P6ConvFwdPlan").Range
For Each pCell In rngConvTable.Resize(, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
gotRows = gotRows + 1
Next pCell
gRow = gotRows - 1
End With
' copy filtered rows to Combined tab at A6
With Worksheets("T1 Download")
Worksheets("Combined").Range("A6").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End With
' copy filtered rows to Combined tab below the T1 Download data
With Worksheets("Calculation PPR")
Worksheets("Combined").Range("A" & lRow + 6).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End With
' copy filtered rows to Combined tab below the T1 Download and Calc PPR data
With Worksheets("P6 Conversion to Forward Plan")
Worksheets("Combined").Range("b" & lRow + nRow + 6).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End With
'format date columns
With Worksheets("Combined")
.Range("f6", "f" & lRow + nRow + gRow + 100).NumberFormat = "dd Mmm yy"
.Range("q6", "g" & lRow + nRow + gRow + 100).NumberFormat = "dd Mmm yy"
.Range("w6", "w" & lRow + nRow + gRow + 100).NumberFormat = "dd Mmm yy"
End With
With Application
'turn each back on
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
End Sub