Macro slows down and then grinds to a halt please help


New Member
Jan 25, 2010
I have a macro that I have built to copy ranges and charts. The ranges one works great. The chart one works great as well. It duplicates the chart including the title, logos, text boxes and allows for the ranges and axis to be uniqly updated as well by simply offsetting the ranges and axis rows.

It works great that is for about 100 charts after that it really starts to bog down.

I have tried on excel 2003, 2007, 2010 and even the new excel 2010 64 bit
My pc is a quad core 4GHZ 12 GB DD3+ Ram with liquid cooling
My ram barely even moves (the file is only growing about 1MB per 100) my processor are only running at about 25% -

I have done the usual - turn off screenupdating, calculations and events

is there a stack empty or excel cache or some sort of limit feature I can access or something to stop it from slowing down to a grinding halt?

Below is the Code:
Option Explicit

Option Private Module

Sub CopyRange()

Call CopyData(False, True)

End Sub

Sub CopyChart()

Call CopyData(True, False)

End Sub

Sub CopyChartAndRange()

Call CopyData(True, True)

End Sub

Sub CopyData(ByVal CopyChart As Boolean, ByVal CopyRange As Boolean)

Dim wb As Workbook

Dim response As Integer

Dim chrt As Chart

Dim chrtObjs() As ChartObject

Dim selObj As Variant

Dim chrtObj As ChartObject

Dim chrtWS As Worksheet

Dim chrtMessage As String

Dim rng As Range

Dim rngWS As Worksheet

Dim ws As Worksheet

Dim chrtTitles() As Range

Dim foundTitle As Boolean

Dim titleRow As Long

Dim titleCell As Range

Dim hCopies, vCopies As Integer

Dim hOffset, vOffset As Long

Dim chrtHOffsets(), chrtVOffsets() As Double

Dim h, v As Integer

Dim cell1, cell2 As Range

Dim rng2 As Range

Dim c As Long

Dim c1, c2, r1, r2 As Long

Dim wdth, hght As Double

Dim newChrt As Chart

Dim newTitle As String

Dim ser As Series

Dim oldFormula As String

Dim newFormula As String '(R1C1 format)

Dim rng3 As Range

Dim firstChar, lastChar As Integer

Dim foundEnd As Boolean

Dim old1, old2, old3 As String

Dim new1, new2, new3 As String

Dim x, y As Integer


Set wb = Nothing

On Error Resume Next

Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

On Error GoTo 0

If wb Is Nothing Then

ShowError ("You must have an active workbook to use this tool.")

Exit Sub

End If

Set ws = Nothing

ReDim chrtObjs(0)

ReDim chrtTitles(0)

ReDim chrtHOffsets(0)

ReDim chrtVOffsets(0)

If CopyChart = True Then

'See if there is an ActiveChart

Set chrt = Nothing

On Error Resume Next

Set chrt = ActiveChart

On Error GoTo 0

If Not (chrt Is Nothing) Then

ReDim chrtObjs(1)

Set chrtObjs(1) = chrt.Parent


'If no ActiveChart, see if any charts are included in the current Selection

For Each selObj In Selection

Set chrtObj = Nothing

On Error Resume Next

Set chrtObj = selObj

On Error GoTo 0

If chrtObj Is Nothing Then

GoTo NextSelectedObject


ReDim Preserve chrtObjs(UBound(chrtObjs) + 1)

Set chrtObjs(UBound(chrtObjs)) = selObj

End If



End If

If UBound(chrtObjs) = 0 Then

ShowError ("Please select a chart to copy first.")

Exit Sub

End If

If UBound(chrtObjs) = 1 Then

chrtMessage = "the chart"


chrtMessage = "one of the charts"

End If

Set chrtWS = ActiveSheet

End If

If CopyRange = True Then

Set rng = Nothing

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

On Error Resume Next

Set rng = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select the Range to Copy:", _
title:="Microsoft Excel", _

On Error GoTo 0

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

If rng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

Set rngWS = rng.Worksheet

End If

If CopyChart = True And CopyRange = True Then

'Check to make sure range and chart are on the same worksheet

If chrtWS.Name <> rngWS.Name Then

ShowError ("Range must be on the same worksheet as the selected chart(s).")

Exit Sub

End If

End If

If CopyChart = True Then

Set ws = chrtWS


Set ws = rngWS

End If

For x = 1 To UBound(chrtObjs)

Set chrt = chrtObjs(x).Chart

ReDim Preserve chrtTitles(x)

Set chrtTitles(x) = Nothing

If chrt.HasTitle = True Then

foundTitle = False

If CopyRange = True Then

For y = rng.Column To (rng.Column + rng.Columns.Count - 1)

Set cell1 = ws.Cells(rng.Row, y)

Set cell2 = ws.Cells(rng.Row + rng.Rows.Count - 1, y)

Set rng2 = ws.Range(cell1, cell2)

If Not (IsError(Application.Match(chrt.ChartTitle.Text, rng2, 0))) Then

titleRow = Application.Match(chrt.ChartTitle.Text, rng2, 0)

Set titleCell = ws.Cells(titleRow, y)

response = MsgBox("It appears as if " & chrtMessage & " has" & vbCr & _
"a title linked to cell " & titleCell.Address & vbCr & _
"(" & titleCell.Value & ")." & vbCr & _
vbCr & _
"Is this correct?", _
vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion, _
"Microsoft Excel")

If response = vbCancel Then Exit Sub

If response = vbYes Then

Set chrtTitles(x) = titleCell

foundTitle = True

End If

End If


End If

If foundTitle = False Then

response = MsgBox("Is the title of the chart '" & chrt.ChartTitle.Text & "'" & vbCr & _
"linked to a Cell?", _
vbYesNoCancel, _
"Microsoft Excel")

If response = vbCancel Then Exit Sub

If response = vbYes Then

Set rng2 = Nothing

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

On Error Resume Next

Set rng2 = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select the Cell with the Chart's Title:", _
title:="Microsoft Excel", _

On Error GoTo 0

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

If rng2 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

If rng2.Rows.Count > 1 Or rng2.Columns.Count > 1 Then

ShowError ("Range for Chart Title must be a single cell!")

Exit Sub

End If

Set chrtTitles(x) = rng2

End If

End If

End If


hCopies = 0

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

On Error Resume Next

hCopies = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Number of Copies Across:", _
title:="Microsoft Excel", _

On Error GoTo 0

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

If hCopies = 0 Then Exit Sub

If (hCopies < 1) Or (Int(hCopies) <> hCopies) Then

ShowError ("Copies Across must be a whole number greater than 0.")

Exit Sub

End If

vCopies = 0

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

On Error Resume Next

vCopies = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Number of Copies Down:", _
title:="Microsoft Excel", _

On Error GoTo 0

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

If vCopies = 0 Then Exit Sub

If (vCopies < 1) Or (Int(vCopies) <> vCopies) Then

ShowError ("Copies Down must be a whole number greater than 0.")

Exit Sub

End If

If hCopies = 1 And vCopies = 1 Then

ShowError ("1 Copy Across x 1 Copy Down = Nothing to Copy!")

Exit Sub

End If

hOffset = 0

If hCopies > 1 Then

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

On Error Resume Next

hOffset = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Number of Columns to Offset Right:", _
title:="Microsoft Excel", _

On Error GoTo 0

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

If hOffset = 0 Then Exit Sub

If (hOffset < 1) Or (Int(hOffset) <> hOffset) Then

ShowError ("Columns to Offset must be a whole number greater than 0.")

Exit Sub

End If

If CopyRange = True Then

If hOffset < rng.Columns.Count Then

ShowError ("This would copy the range partly onto itself!")

Exit Sub

End If

End If

If CopyChart = True Then

For x = 1 To UBound(chrtObjs)

Set chrt = chrtObjs(x).Chart

ReDim Preserve chrtHOffsets(x)

If CopyRange = True Then

chrtHOffsets(x) = chrt.Parent.Left - rng.Left

If ws.Cells(1, rng.Column + hOffset).Left + chrtHOffsets(x) < _
chrt.Parent.Left + chrt.Parent.Width Then GoTo ChartHOffsetError


'Find which column the chart starts in

c1 = 1

Do While ws.Cells(1, c1 + 1).Left < chrt.Parent.Left

c1 = c1 + 1


'Calculate the first column with the offset

c2 = c1 + hOffset

'Calculate the actual offset

chrtHOffsets(x) = ws.Cells(1, c2).Left - ws.Cells(1, c1).Left

'Make sure the column offset is wide enough

If chrtHOffsets(x) < chrt.Parent.Width Then


If UBound(chrtObjs) = 1 Then

ShowError ("This would copy the chart partly onto itself!")


ShowError ("This would copy one of the charts partly onto itself!")

End If

Exit Sub

End If

End If


End If


If CopyChart = True Then

For x = 1 To UBound(chrtObjs)

Set chrt = chrtObjs(x).Chart

ReDim Preserve chrtHOffsets(x)

If CopyRange = True Then

chrtHOffsets(x) = chrt.Parent.Left - rng.Left


chrtHOffsets(x) = 0

End If


End If

End If

If vCopies > 1 Then

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

On Error Resume Next

vOffset = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Number of Rows to Offset Down:", _
title:="Microsoft Excel", _

On Error GoTo 0

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

If vOffset = 0 Then Exit Sub

If (vOffset < 1) Or (Int(vOffset) <> vOffset) Then

ShowError ("Rows to Offset must be a whole number greater than 0.")

Exit Sub

End If

If CopyRange = True Then

If vOffset < rng.Rows.Count Then

ShowError ("This would copy the range partly onto itself!")

Exit Sub

End If

End If

If CopyChart = True Then

For x = 1 To UBound(chrtObjs)

Set chrt = chrtObjs(x).Chart

ReDim Preserve chrtVOffsets(x)

If CopyRange = True Then

chrtVOffsets(x) = chrt.Parent.Top - rng.Top

If ws.Cells(rng.Row + vOffset, 1).Top + chrtVOffsets(x) < _
chrt.Parent.Top + chrt.Parent.Height Then GoTo ChartVOffsetError


'Find which row the chart starts in

r1 = 1

Do While ws.Cells(r1 + 1, 1).Top < chrt.Parent.Top

r1 = r1 + 1


'Calculate the first row with the offset

r2 = r1 + vOffset

'Calculate the actual offset

chrtVOffsets(x) = ws.Cells(r2, 1).Top - ws.Cells(r1, 1).Top

'Make sure the row offset is high enough

If chrtVOffsets(x) < chrt.Parent.Height Then


If UBound(chrtObjs) = 1 Then

ShowError ("This would copy the chart partly onto itself!")


ShowError ("This would copy one of the charts partly onto itself!")

End If

Exit Sub

End If

End If


End If


If CopyChart = True Then

For x = 1 To UBound(chrtObjs)

Set chrt = chrtObjs(x).Chart

ReDim Preserve chrtVOffsets(x)

If CopyRange = True Then

chrtVOffsets(x) = chrt.Parent.Top - rng.Top


chrtVOffsets(x) = 0

End If


End If

End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.EnableEvents = False

For h = 1 To hCopies

For v = 1 To vCopies

If h = 1 And v = 1 Then GoTo NextV 'first copy is already present!

Application.StatusBar = "Copying to Row " & v & ", Column " & h & "..."

If CopyRange = True Then

'Copy the Cells

Set cell1 = ws.Cells(rng.Row + (v - 1) * vOffset, rng.Column + (h - 1) * hOffset)

Set cell2 = ws.Cells(cell1.Row + rng.Rows.Count - 1, cell1.Column + rng.Columns.Count - 1)

Set rng2 = ws.Range(cell1, cell2)

rng.Copy Destination:=rng2

'Resize the columns

If v = 1 Then

For c = rng.Column To (rng.Column + rng.Columns.Count - 1)

ws.Cells(1, c + (h - 1) * hOffset).ColumnWidth = ws.Cells(1, c).ColumnWidth


End If

End If

If CopyChart = True Then

'Copy the Charts

For x = 1 To UBound(chrtObjs)

Set chrt = chrtObjs(x).Chart




ActiveWindow.Visible = False

ws.Cells(1, 1).Select


If CopyRange = True Then

ActiveChart.Parent.Left = rng2.Left + chrtHOffsets(x)

ActiveChart.Parent.Top = rng2.Top + chrtVOffsets(x)


ActiveChart.Parent.Left = chrt.Parent.Left + (h - 1) * chrtHOffsets(x)

ActiveChart.Parent.Top = chrt.Parent.Top + (v - 1) * chrtVOffsets(x)

End If

'Update the Chart Title

If chrtTitles(x) Is Nothing Then

'Do nothing


Set rngWS = chrtTitles(x).Worksheet

Set titleCell = rngWS.Cells(chrtTitles(x).Row + (v - 1) * vOffset, chrtTitles(x).Column + (h - 1) * hOffset)

newTitle = "=" & titleCell.Worksheet.Name & "!R" & titleCell.Row & "C" & titleCell.Column

ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text = newTitle

End If

For Each ser In ActiveChart.SeriesCollection

oldFormula = ser.Formula

'Check the Series Name

Select Case Mid(oldFormula, 9, 1)

Case Is = ","

'Series Name is Blank (we won't change it)

old1 = ""

new1 = ""

lastChar = 9

Case Is = Chr(34)

'Series Name is a string (we won't change it)

foundEnd = False

firstChar = 9

lastChar = firstChar

Do While foundEnd = False

lastChar = InStr(lastChar + 1, oldFormula, Chr(34))

If Mid(oldFormula, lastChar + 1, 1) = "," Then

foundEnd = True


lastChar = InStr(lastChar + 1, oldFormula, Chr(34))

End If


old1 = Mid(oldFormula, firstChar, lastChar - firstChar + 1)

new1 = old1

lastChar = lastChar + 1

Case Else

'Series Name is a Named or Unnamed Range

firstChar = 9

lastChar = InStr(firstChar + 1, oldFormula, ",") - 1

old1 = Mid(oldFormula, firstChar, lastChar - firstChar + 1)

If InStr(old1, "$") = 0 Then

'Series Name is Named Range (we won't change it)

new1 = old1


'Series Name is an Unnamed Range (we WILL change it)

y = InStr(old1, "!")

Set rng3 = ws.Range(Mid(old1, y + 1))

Set cell1 = ws.Cells(rng3.Row + (v - 1) * vOffset, _
rng3.Column + (h - 1) * hOffset)

Set cell2 = ws.Cells(cell1.Row + rng3.Rows.Count - 1, cell1.Column + rng3.Columns.Count - 1)

new1 = Left(old1, y) & "R" & cell1.Row & "C" & cell1.Column & ":" & _
"R" & cell2.Row & "C" & cell2.Column

End If

lastChar = lastChar + 1

End Select

'Check the X Values

Select Case Mid(oldFormula, lastChar + 1, 1)

Case Is = ","

'X Values are Blank (we won't change them)

old2 = ""

new2 = ""

lastChar = lastChar + 1

Case Is = "{"

'X Values are in an array (we won't change them)

y = InStr(lastChar + 2, oldFormula, "}")

old2 = Mid(oldFormula, lastChar + 1, y - (lastChar + 1) + 1)

new2 = old2

lastChar = y + 1

Case Else

'X Values are in a Named or Unnamed Range

firstChar = lastChar + 1

lastChar = InStr(firstChar + 1, oldFormula, ",") - 1

old2 = Mid(oldFormula, firstChar, lastChar - firstChar + 1)

If InStr(old2, "$") = 0 Then

'X Values are in a Named Range (we won't change them)

new2 = old2


'X Values are in an Unnamed Range (we WILL change them)

y = InStr(old2, "!")

Set rng3 = ws.Range(Mid(old2, y + 1))

Set cell1 = ws.Cells(rng3.Row + (v - 1) * vOffset, _
rng3.Column + (h - 1) * hOffset)

Set cell2 = ws.Cells(cell1.Row + rng3.Rows.Count - 1, cell1.Column + rng3.Columns.Count - 1)

new2 = Left(old2, y) & "R" & cell1.Row & "C" & cell1.Column & ":" & _
"R" & cell2.Row & "C" & cell2.Column

End If

lastChar = lastChar + 1

End Select

'Check the Y Values

Select Case Mid(oldFormula, lastChar + 1, 1)

Case Is = "{"

'Y Values are in an array (we won't change them)

y = InStr(lastChar + 2, oldFormula, "}")

old3 = Mid(oldFormula, lastChar + 1, y - (lastChar + 1) + 1)

new3 = old3

lastChar = y + 1

Case Else

'Y Values are in a Named or Unnamed Range

firstChar = lastChar + 1

lastChar = InStr(firstChar + 1, oldFormula, ",") - 1

old3 = Mid(oldFormula, firstChar, lastChar - firstChar + 1)

If InStr(old3, "$") = 0 Then

'Y Values are in a Named Range (we won't change them)

new3 = old3


'Y Values are in an Unnamed Range (we WILL change them)

y = InStr(old3, "!")

Set rng3 = ws.Range(Mid(old3, y + 1))

Set cell1 = ws.Cells(rng3.Row + (v - 1) * vOffset, _
rng3.Column + (h - 1) * hOffset)

Set cell2 = ws.Cells(cell1.Row + rng3.Rows.Count - 1, cell1.Column + rng3.Columns.Count - 1)

new3 = Left(old3, y) & "R" & cell1.Row & "C" & cell1.Column & ":" & _
"R" & cell2.Row & "C" & cell2.Column

End If

lastChar = lastChar + 1

End Select

newFormula = "=SERIES(" & new1 & "," & new2 & "," & new3 & Mid(oldFormula, lastChar)

ser.FormulaR1C1 = newFormula


ActiveWindow.Visible = False


End If

Set rng2 = Nothing 'Not sure if this helps, but what the hey?


'Clean up

Set cell1 = Nothing
Set cell2 = Nothing
Set ser = Nothing
Set rng3 = Nothing
Set rng2 = Nothing
Set titleCell = Nothing

Set chrt = Nothing
Set rngWS = Nothing



'Clean up

ReDim chrtObjs(0)
Set chrtObj = Nothing
Set chrtWS = Nothing
Set rng = Nothing

Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Application.StatusBar = "Recalculating..."


Set ws = Nothing

Application.StatusBar = False

MsgBox ("Done!")

End Sub

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