[I had posted this question 10 days ago in the Technical Excel Issues forum, but didn't get any response. Posting it this forum, since there seems to be more activity on this one.]
When I open a macro-enabled .xls or .xlt file in Excel 2007, I've noticed 3 different behaviors:
(Note: I've set the macro security level in the Trust Center to the default value: Disable all macros with notification)
1. Sometimes I get a popup window that asks whether I want to enable or disable macros. After I select one of the 2 options, the workbook gets opened.
2. Sometimes I get a security warning in the toolbar on the top saying 'Macros have been disabled'. The workbook is now opened, and can be worked on. There's an Options button next to this warning in the toolbar. Clicking on this button allows you to turn on macros.
3. When creating an xls by opening an xlt file, no warning is shown.
Note: Excel 2003 always shows the popup window (case 1) for both xls and xlt files
In Excel 2007, The difference between 1 and 2 is that in the case of 2, you can work on the file for some time, and then choose to turn on macros. In this case, I sometimes get weird errors in my code (which I believe is related to some logic in Workbook_Open).
Does anyone know why there's this inconsistency, and how I can get rid of the toolbar (case 2) and force the popup (case 1) to be displayed instead?
When I open a macro-enabled .xls or .xlt file in Excel 2007, I've noticed 3 different behaviors:
(Note: I've set the macro security level in the Trust Center to the default value: Disable all macros with notification)
1. Sometimes I get a popup window that asks whether I want to enable or disable macros. After I select one of the 2 options, the workbook gets opened.
2. Sometimes I get a security warning in the toolbar on the top saying 'Macros have been disabled'. The workbook is now opened, and can be worked on. There's an Options button next to this warning in the toolbar. Clicking on this button allows you to turn on macros.
3. When creating an xls by opening an xlt file, no warning is shown.
Note: Excel 2003 always shows the popup window (case 1) for both xls and xlt files
In Excel 2007, The difference between 1 and 2 is that in the case of 2, you can work on the file for some time, and then choose to turn on macros. In this case, I sometimes get weird errors in my code (which I believe is related to some logic in Workbook_Open).
Does anyone know why there's this inconsistency, and how I can get rid of the toolbar (case 2) and force the popup (case 1) to be displayed instead?