Does anyone see something in this formula that would through a #NAME? error at me?
I've created this macro in Excel 2013, but will end up be utilized in 2010. It runs perfect on my machine, but throws errors in these simple formulas in 2010. I know what the error means, but I don't see what "text in formula" is it not recognizing? Is there another way of inputting this highlighted text so it's compatible in 2010?
Thank you!
I've created this macro in Excel 2013, but will end up be utilized in 2010. It runs perfect on my machine, but throws errors in these simple formulas in 2010. I know what the error means, but I don't see what "text in formula" is it not recognizing? Is there another way of inputting this highlighted text so it's compatible in 2010?
Range("AB2").Formula = "=IFNA(VLOOKUP(Z2,AirportCodes!$A$2:$C$2000,2,0),""[COLOR=#ff0000][B]No Departure[/B][/COLOR]"")"
Thank you!