Sub BulkRenameNames()
' Date: 14/02/2014
' Action: Added
' Author: Colin Delane, CA, Financial Analyst/Modeller, Perth, Western Australia
' Purpose: Renames all Defined Names matching the criterin
'Procedure Scope Dimension Variables
Dim lngC1 As Long
Dim lngC2 As Long
Dim lngC3 As Long
Dim wbk As Workbook
Dim oldNm As String
Dim newNm As String
Dim strSht As String 'Sheet name for local names
Dim strNm1 As String ' Search string
Dim strNm2 As String ' Replace string
Dim strMsg1 As String
Dim intButtons1 As Integer
Dim strTitle1 As String
Dim Response1
Dim strMsg2 As String
Dim intButtons2 As Integer
Dim strTitle2 As String
Dim Response2
lngC1 = 0
lngC2 = 0
Set wbk = ActiveWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
' Get search string
Do Until strNm1 <> ""
strNm1 = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter the text string (Case sensitive!) to search for in the Defined Names in this workbook", Title:="Search String", Type:=2)
For lngC1 = 1 To wbk.Names.Count
' Get name without sheet name for those with Sheet/local scope
oldNm = Right(Names(lngC1).Name, Len(Names(lngC1).Name) - InStr(1, Names(lngC1).Name, "!"))
' Count names in target workbook that contain search string
If InStr(1, oldNm, strNm1) > 0 Then lngC2 = lngC2 + 1
Next lngC1
'Block IF #1
If lngC2 = 0 Then
MsgBox "No names in this workbook contain the search string!"
Exit Sub
End If 'Block IF #1
' Get replacement string
Do Until strNm2 <> ""
strNm2 = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter the text string to replace [ " & strNm1 & " ] in the Defined Names in this workbook", Title:="Replacement String", Type:=2)
' Count all names
lngC3 = wbk.Names.Count
strMsg1 = lngC2 & " names out of " & lngC3 & " names in this workbook contain the search string " & Chr(34) & strNm1 & Chr(34)
strMsg1 = strMsg1 & vbCr & vbCr & "Click Yes to review each target name individually and choose whether or not to rename it."
strMsg1 = strMsg1 & vbCr & vbCr & "Click No to perform a bulk re-naming of all matching names."
strMsg1 = strMsg1 & vbCr & vbCr & "Otherwise click Cancel to stop and exit."
intButtons1 = vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion
strTitle1 = "Review target names prior to renaming?"
Response1 = MsgBox(strMsg1, intButtons1, strTitle1)
'Block IF #2
If Response1 = vbYes Then ' User wants to review each name individually
' Review individual names if user chooses Yes
' Reset counters
lngC1 = 0
lngC2 = 0
For lngC1 = 1 To wbk.Names.Count
oldNm = Names(lngC1).Name
' Get name of sheet for those names with Sheet/local scope
If Not (IsError(InStr(1, oldNm, "!"))) Then strSht = Left(oldNm, InStr(1, oldNm, "!"))
oldNm = Right(Names(lngC1).Name, Len(Names(lngC1).Name) - InStr(1, Names(lngC1).Name, "!"))
' Block IF #3
If InStr(1, oldNm, strNm1) > 0 Then
newNm = Replace(oldNm, strNm1, strNm2, 1)
strMsg2 = ""
strMsg2 = "The name " & strSht & oldNm & " includes the search string " & Chr(34) & strNm1 & Chr(34)
strMsg2 = strMsg2 & vbCr & vbCr & "Click Yes to rename this name to " & Chr(34) & strSht & newNm & Chr(34)
strMsg2 = strMsg2 & vbCr & vbCr & "Click No to leave it as is."
strMsg2 = strMsg2 & vbCr & vbCr & "Otherwise click Cancel to stop."
intButtons2 = vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion
strTitle2 = "Rename name?"
Response2 = MsgBox(strMsg2, intButtons2, strTitle2)
' Replace strNm1 with strNm2
'Block IF #4
If Response2 = vbYes Then
Names(lngC1).Name = newNm
lngC2 = lngC2 + 1
ElseIf Response2 = vbCancel Then Exit For
End If 'Block IF #4
End If 'Block IF #3
Next lngC1
MsgBox lngC2 & " names renamed."
End If 'Block IF #2
'Block IF #5
If Response1 = vbNo Then ' Bulk replacement
' Reset counters
lngC1 = 0
lngC2 = 0
For lngC1 = 1 To wbk.Names.Count
If Not (IsError(InStr(1, Names(lngC1).Name, "!"))) Then strSht = Left(Names(lngC1).Name, InStr(1, Names(lngC1).Name, "!"))
oldNm = Right(Names(lngC1).Name, Len(Names(lngC1).Name) - InStr(1, Names(lngC1).Name, "!"))
' Replace strNm1 with strNm2
' Block IF #6
If InStr(1, oldNm, strNm1) > 0 Then
newNm = Replace(oldNm, strNm1, strNm2, 1)
Names(lngC1).Name = newNm
lngC2 = lngC2 + 1
End If 'Block IF #6
Next lngC1
MsgBox lngC2 & " names renamed."
End If 'Block IF #5
'Block IF #7
If Response1 = vbCancel Then ' User aborts
MsgBox "Process cancelled at user's request."
Exit Sub
End If 'Block IF #7
End Sub