Item Status | Category | Set | Item ID | Section code | Inbox | Entry/Trade | Stmt Date | Value Date | Item Type | CCY | Amount | USD Base Amount |
Outstanding | N Account | USD001 | 2,015,896,203.00 | N AA | N Test Inbox | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | L CR | USD | 1000.00 | 1000.00 |
Outstanding | N Account | USD001 | 2,015,896,204.00 | N AA | N Test Inbox | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | L CR WO | USD | 0.24 | 0.24 |
Outstanding | N Account | USD001 | 2,015,896,205.00 | N AA | N Test Inbox | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | L DR | USD | 80235.00 | 80235.00 |
Outstanding | N Account | USD001 | 2,015,896,206.00 | N AA | N Test Inbox | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | L DR WO | USD | 1.20 | 1.20 |
Outstanding | N Account | USD001 | 2,015,896,207.00 | N AA | N Test Inbox | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | L CR NETT | USD | 84.00 | 84.00 |
Outstanding | N Account | USD001 | 2,015,896,208.00 | N AA | N Test Inbox | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | L DR NETT | USD | 1206.50 | 1206.50 |
Outstanding | N Account | USD001 | 2,015,896,209.00 | N AA | N Test Inbox | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | S CR | USD | 922.06 | 922.06 |
Outstanding | N Account | USD001 | 2,015,896,210.00 | N AA | N Test Inbox | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | 15/7/2021 | S DR | USD | 10384.34 | 10384.34 |
Need help on the above, what i'm trying to do is:-
1)Depend on the "Item Type"("L DR, L DR NETT, L DR WO" only), change the numbers under "Amount" from positive to negative
After (1), i need to cut entire column from column "AU" to column"D" ( i hope the below code is correct..)
VBA Code:
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
Selection.NumberFormat = "0"
2) Repeat the same to all tabs under the same workbook (Each tabs have different numbers of rows)