Hoping for some help with macros. I have 2 sheets in a workbook. the second sheet is copied from the "yesterday" with notes and some of those notes are in bold and different font colors. when I run the macro I'm wanting to keep the font from the day prior to carry over to the current day without effecting any new notes. It is copying all the info correctly except the bold or any font colors.
ElseIf Len(ActiveSheet.Cells(x, 2)) = 0 And Len(ActiveSheet.Cells(x, 3)) <> 0 Then 'Gripe row
ActiveSheet.Cells(x, lastcol).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft 'set horiz alignment for remarks
ActiveSheet.Cells(x, 3).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft 'nomenclature
'import yesterday's notes
vReturn = Application.Match(Range("L" & x).Value, Worksheets("Yesterday").Range("L:L"), 0)
If IsError(vReturn) Then
Range("B" & x).Value = " "
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & x).Value = Application.Index(Worksheets("Yesterday").Range("B:B"), vReturn)
Worksheets("Yesterday").Range("B" & vReturn).Copy
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & x).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & x).Font.Name = "Arial"
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & x).Font.Size = 11
ElseIf Len(ActiveSheet.Cells(x, 2)) = 0 And Len(ActiveSheet.Cells(x, 3)) <> 0 Then 'Gripe row
ActiveSheet.Cells(x, lastcol).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft 'set horiz alignment for remarks
ActiveSheet.Cells(x, 3).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft 'nomenclature
'import yesterday's notes
vReturn = Application.Match(Range("L" & x).Value, Worksheets("Yesterday").Range("L:L"), 0)
If IsError(vReturn) Then
Range("B" & x).Value = " "
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & x).Value = Application.Index(Worksheets("Yesterday").Range("B:B"), vReturn)
Worksheets("Yesterday").Range("B" & vReturn).Copy
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & x).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & x).Font.Name = "Arial"
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & x).Font.Size = 11