First let me thank you for your time assisting me with this. I have extensively researched the forums and tried to implement/modify various suggestions but to no avail.
I am trying to create a macro that will copy and paste a range of cells based on the condition of another cell.
I know the logic I am trying to use, just not how to implement it:
The logic is:
If Cell D2=1, copy range(E2:I2) and paste in range(K3:P3)
If Cell D2=0, copy range(E2:I2) and paste in range(Q3:U3)
continue to iterate through (ie: D3=1, copy range (E3:I3) and paste in range(K4:P4))
Stop at first empty cell in D
Column D (starting at row 2) will always contain either a 0 or a 1 and I am always looking to copy the same number of cells
The data in range E:I is all numeric
Range K:P and Q:U are all blank starting from row 3
Thank you again for your assistance!
First let me thank you for your time assisting me with this. I have extensively researched the forums and tried to implement/modify various suggestions but to no avail.
I am trying to create a macro that will copy and paste a range of cells based on the condition of another cell.
I know the logic I am trying to use, just not how to implement it:
The logic is:
If Cell D2=1, copy range(E2:I2) and paste in range(K3:P3)
If Cell D2=0, copy range(E2:I2) and paste in range(Q3:U3)
continue to iterate through (ie: D3=1, copy range (E3:I3) and paste in range(K4:P4))
Stop at first empty cell in D
Column D (starting at row 2) will always contain either a 0 or a 1 and I am always looking to copy the same number of cells
The data in range E:I is all numeric
Range K:P and Q:U are all blank starting from row 3
Thank you again for your assistance!