Option Explicit
Option Base 1 '<= so arrays do not start at element zero.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Procedure Name: TransferDataInWorksheets
' Purpose: Transfer data from range to table in specified sheets.
' Procedure Kind: Sub
' Procedure Access: Public
' Author: Jim
' Date: 4/13/2023
' Note: Transfers done are in the workbook containing this code (ThisWorkbook).
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
'This sub processes all sheets in which transfer of new data will occur.
Sub TransferDataInWorksheets()
Dim wsToProcess As Worksheet
Dim iSheetsToProcessCount As Long
Dim iSheet As Long
' Array containing 1. sheet name, 2. "data from" range name or cell address (in the sheet),
' 3. table name (in the sheet) for each sheet to be processed.
Dim asSheetsData() As String
' Count of sheets to process
iSheetsToProcessCount = 2 '<= change to number of sheets to process.
' Size the array to accommodate 3 data points for each sheet to process.
' First array dimension is for 1. sheet name, 2. range name or address, 3. table name.
ReDim asSheetsData(3, iSheetsToProcessCount)
' For each sheet to process need entries in the array like the following two.
' ~~~ Sheet 1 ~~~
asSheetsData(1, 1) = "Source2" '<= name of first sheet to process
asSheetsData(2, 1) = "AF1" '<= cell location of first (leftmost) new data value
asSheetsData(3, 1) = "Table3" '<= name of table to process in the first sheet to process
' ~~~ Sheet 2 ~~~
asSheetsData(1, 2) = "Source3"
asSheetsData(2, 2) = "AF1"
asSheetsData(3, 2) = "Table4"
For iSheet = 1 To iSheetsToProcessCount
' Check for sheet specified exists. If not tell user.
If Not WorksheetExists(asSheetsData(1, iSheet)) _
MsgBox "The worksheet named " & asSheetsData(1, iSheet) & " does not exist.", vbExclamation
GoTo NextIteration
End If
Set wsToProcess = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(asSheetsData(1, iSheet))
' Check valid address or range name exists in the sheet being processed. If not tell user.
If Not IsValidCellAddress(asSheetsData(2, iSheet)) _
And Not RangeNameExistsInSheet(asSheetsData(2, iSheet), wsToProcess) _
MsgBox "Range " & asSheetsData(2, iSheet) & " does not exist in sheet named " & wsToProcess.Name & ".", vbExclamation
' Check table exists in the sheet being processed. If not tell user.
ElseIf Not TableExistsInSheet(asSheetsData(3, iSheet), wsToProcess) _
MsgBox "Table " & asSheetsData(3, iSheet) & " does not exist in sheet named " & wsToProcess.Name & ".", vbExclamation
' Check for "new" data exists. If not tell user.
ElseIf wsToProcess.Range(asSheetsData(2, iSheet)).Cells(1).Value = "" _
MsgBox "No new data exists in the sheet named " & wsToProcess.Name & ".", vbExclamation
' Range ID is valid, worksheet exists, table exists, there is new data...
' ...so transfer new data to the table. Parameters are 1. the worksheet sheet
' (object) to process, 2. range (object) where "new" data exists, and
' 3. the table (object) where "new" data is copied into.
Call TransferDataToTable( _
wsToProcess, _
wsToProcess.Range(asSheetsData(2, iSheet)), _
wsToProcess.ListObjects(asSheetsData(3, iSheet)))
End If
Next iSheet
End Sub