So far I found a great Macro but need to edit the loop that creates the hyper links to display the sheet name and the question names like my example.
Can anyone help me?
Option Explicit
Sub CreateINDEX()
'Declare all variables
Dim ws As Worksheet, curws As Worksheet, shtName As String
Dim nRow As Long, i As Long, N As Long, x As Long, tmpCount As Long
Dim cLeft, cTop, cHeight, cWidth, cb As Shape, strMsg As String
Dim cCnt As Long, cAddy As String, cShade As Long
'Check if a workbook is open or not. If no workbook is open, quit.
If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "You must have a workbook open first!", vbInformation, _
"No Open Book"
Exit Sub
End If
'Turn off events and screen flickering.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
nRow = 4: x = 0
'Check if sheet exists already; direct where to go if not.
On Error GoTo hasSheet
'Confirm the desire to overwrite sheet if it exists already.
If MsgBox("You already have a Table of Contents page." _
& vbLf & vbLf & _
"Would you like to overwrite it?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Replace INDEX page?") = vbYes Then GoTo createNew
Exit Sub
x = 1
'Add sheet as the first sheet in the workbook.
Sheets.Add before:=Sheets(1)
GoTo hasNew
GoTo hasSheet
'Reset error statment/redirects
On Error GoTo 0
'Set chart sheet varible counter
tmpCount = ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Count
If tmpCount > 0 Then tmpCount = 1
'Set a little formatting for the INDEX sheet.
ActiveSheet.Name = "INDEX"
With Sheets("INDEX")
.Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = cShade
.Rows("4:65536").RowHeight = 16
.Range("A1").Value = "Envirosell Inc."
.Range("A1").Font.Bold = False
.Range("A1").Font.Italic = True
.Range("A1").Font.Name = "Arial"
.Range("A1").Font.Size = "8"
.Range("A2").Value = "Table of Contents"
.Range("A2").Font.Bold = True
.Range("A2").Font.Name = "Arial"
.Range("A2").Font.Size = "24"
End With
'Set variables for loop/iterations
N = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count + tmpCount
If x = 1 Then N = N - 1
For i = 2 To N
With Sheets("INDEX")
shtName = Sheets(i).Name
'Add a hyperlink to A1 of each sheet.
.Range("C" & nRow).Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=.Range("C" & nRow), Address:="#'" & _
shtName & "'!A1", TextToDisplay:=shtName
.Range("C" & nRow).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.Range("B" & nRow).Value = nRow - 2
nRow = nRow + 1
End With
Next i
'Perform some last minute formatting.
With Sheets("INDEX")
End With
'Turn events back on.
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
strMsg = vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Please note: " & _
"Charts will have hyperlinks associated with an object."
'Toggle message box for chart existence or not, information only.
If cCnt = 0 Then strMsg = ""
MsgBox "Complete!" & strMsg, vbInformation, "Complete!"
End Sub