I've created a workbook which tracks stats for my local pool league. There are team, partner sets and player stats collected per week. I also want to track player stats on a per game basis and this is the reason for the post. I've run into a problem in that I can't copy the range of collected data for each player per game played to just one sheet for all players due to the number of rows that would be generated for the maximum players that could be involved in the league (144), the maximum number of weeks (48) and maximum number of games per player per season (240). This combined with the number of INDEX array formulas that would collect this data per player on another sheet makes the collection for each individual player run very slow for each entry. I've determined that I need to separate data on separate sheets per the week being collected. This would be a total of 48 sheets. This way, rows per sheet to be indexed will be less than 800 for each week instead of 35,000 for all weeks combined.
What I want to do, and need help doing is as follows:
The sheet named "Scorecard" is where I enter all of the stats to be collected for each match. On the Scorecard sheet there is a drop down for the week number of the current match being entered, 1 through 48. A range of data, for instance AK112:AU171, is collected from the information entered for each player within the current match on the scorecard. I want to push a button and have the macro look at the week number (Q3), check if there is already a worksheet named as "FullPlayerStatsW1" and if it doesn't exist, create it. "FullPlayerStatsW" would be the name of each sheet followed by the week numbers from 1 through 48. After creating the sheet, the macro should copy the range AK112:AU171 and paste it starting in column A row 1 of the newly created worksheet and paste all other games from other matches for that week at the first blank row found in the new sheet, A:K. All data should be pasted as values only on the FullPlayerStatsW (1-48) sheets.
Let me know if I need to clarify anything. Thanks!!
What I want to do, and need help doing is as follows:
The sheet named "Scorecard" is where I enter all of the stats to be collected for each match. On the Scorecard sheet there is a drop down for the week number of the current match being entered, 1 through 48. A range of data, for instance AK112:AU171, is collected from the information entered for each player within the current match on the scorecard. I want to push a button and have the macro look at the week number (Q3), check if there is already a worksheet named as "FullPlayerStatsW1" and if it doesn't exist, create it. "FullPlayerStatsW" would be the name of each sheet followed by the week numbers from 1 through 48. After creating the sheet, the macro should copy the range AK112:AU171 and paste it starting in column A row 1 of the newly created worksheet and paste all other games from other matches for that week at the first blank row found in the new sheet, A:K. All data should be pasted as values only on the FullPlayerStatsW (1-48) sheets.
Let me know if I need to clarify anything. Thanks!!