I have a grid of data from Y8 to AV18. I have a macro that scrolls through a list which will change the data as it goes through the list.
I have 70 different grids and I want the first one to be copied and pasted a8 to w18, the second to a20 to w30, third a32 to w42.
In the code below the range "MacroCorner" is cell a7 and "MacroCopy" is the grid of data from Y8 to AV18. I just need som helping landinf the copied grids in the correct place. Do I use Cells (,) ?
thanks in advance
For x = 1 To 70
Sheets("Output One Page Summary").Select
Range("B2") = x
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Next x
I have a grid of data from Y8 to AV18. I have a macro that scrolls through a list which will change the data as it goes through the list.
I have 70 different grids and I want the first one to be copied and pasted a8 to w18, the second to a20 to w30, third a32 to w42.
In the code below the range "MacroCorner" is cell a7 and "MacroCopy" is the grid of data from Y8 to AV18. I just need som helping landinf the copied grids in the correct place. Do I use Cells (,) ?
thanks in advance
For x = 1 To 70
Sheets("Output One Page Summary").Select
Range("B2") = x
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Next x