Bumping this but also asking a related question.
I'm still trying to get it so that it will ignore showing a message when I change from one sheet to a certain set of others. Seems there isn't a way to do the if target = blah blah.
As this is more of an issue than I thought I'll explain the issue.
I have one (Or more sheets) that are created by the user. These sheets have various fields that NEED to be filled before moving on, as part of this I've made a number of pop-ups to make it annoying as possible for anyone trying to ignore the sheets without filling them in. (They might actually need to see other pages so I can't just block them).
I've made plenty of things to say on each page that the important pages are/aren't filled in and have even got it showing the name of the first Incomplete sheet and I've got it so that on activation of a non-vital sheet a pop up will appear reminding them that the other sheets aren't filled. (To make it as annoying as possible I also added a pop-up when leaving the important sheet)
What I'd like to do is if they choose to head back with the first pop up (shown upon leaving the incomplete sheet), when it takes them to the right sheet, it stops the other pop-up from appearing and adding confusion/causing bugs.
Brainstorm ideas (I'm still far from an expert with VBA so still not fully aware of it's limitations, a few of these ideas might be kinda dumb)
. Having it see the name of the sheet it's moving to and deactivating itself/not running depending on results.
. Having the first pop-up name a variable and setting it to 0, if you choose the "Go back" option then the 0 turns to a one and the second pop up will see this 1/0 and run accordingly. (Might try doing that with a cell rather than just creating a variable in VBA and hoping it carries over) I could probably do that but not sure if it's the best idea.
. Creating a "Run on deactivation of sheet" macro on the sheets with the second macro, to say "If active sheet = Important, Stop all pop-ups" Honestly this is the idea that I am the most skeptical about as I have no idea on coding for any of it. Also I'm pretty sure that the deactivate macro would run after the one I'm trying to stop anyway.
Any help with this is appreciated, I've tried option one and the first part of option two to no use. If you do have any thoughts could you please just give a bit of feedback on the brainstorm ideas as I'm trying to learn as much of VBA as possible, thanks.
Best regards,