Good morning Alex,
It did work perfectly when I connected it to my command button. What I did not notice was that when it added the new row it copied the entire row including the calculated results for information that is entered in designated sells. Let me explain. 1st row cell A, a name is entered, 2nd cell date of entry, 3rd units are owned, 4th units to be sold, 5th cell is where the difference is calculated, the 6th cell the market price, the 7th cell calculates the value of 5 and 6. The following repeats through column AZ when there are cells that information is entered and cells that calculate the information entered.
To clarify, of correct my previous request, I need to add a new row, with the macro button, that only includes the formatting when it creates a new row, whereas now it creates a copy of the row above that already has been filled out cells of information that is not relevant to a new row. I sure hope I explained that correctly. So if correct what I need is to insert a new row at the bottom but above the columns that total the information and is visible in the bottom row, with formatting (some cells are colored) and formulas (some cells calculate previous blank cells once information is entered)