First I am not fluid with VBA.
With help from the forum (and thanks @DanteAmor and @Joe4) I have managed to create a code that running smoothly on Windows.
But, one of my client uses Mac ...
I know that VBA runs on Mac , but this one no.
Here are version number both Excel and MacOS
Moderator Edit:
Images removed as they contain personal info.
As you can see Office 365 is paid.
The error is
The VBA Code is
What is it wrong? There are no redirects or mysterious coding.
Can someone give me a hint of what to change?
Thank you in advance!
First I am not fluid with VBA.
With help from the forum (and thanks @DanteAmor and @Joe4) I have managed to create a code that running smoothly on Windows.
But, one of my client uses Mac ...
I know that VBA runs on Mac , but this one no.
Here are version number both Excel and MacOS
Moderator Edit:
Images removed as they contain personal info.
As you can see Office 365 is paid.
The error is
The VBA Code is
VBA Code:
Sub BuildInvoiceAll()
Dim ws As Variant, arr1 As String, arr2 As String, arr3 As String, arr4 As String, arry As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long, nr As Long
Dim cell As Range, f As Range
Dim Descript As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Set array of worksheet names to copy from
'cells to AUDIO sheet
arr1 = "E13:E43, J13:J30, J32:J43, E57:E84, J57:J84, E100:E131, J100:J107," & _
"J109:J118, J120:J131, E146:E176, E178:E191, J146:J176, J178:J184, J186:J197"
'cells to LIGHTS sheet
arr2 = "E13:E34, J13:J59, E36:E59, E73:E89, J73:J82, J84:J91, E91:E98, J93:J101, E100:E109, J103:J113"
'cells to HOISTS sheet
arr3 = "E13:E28, K13:K37, E30:E40, E42:E52, E67:E91, K67:K85, E106:E123, K106:K119, K121:K129, E127:E137"
'cells to DISTRO sheet
arr4 = "E13:E35, K13:K50, E37:E50, E64:E116, K64:K88, K92:K108, K111:K120, E131:E148, K131:K148, K150:K159," & _
"E152:E180 , K163:K188 , K190:K203 , E184:E216 , K207:K238 , K240:K249 "
arry = Array(arr1, arr2, arr3, arr4)
nr = 14
Sheets("PROFORMA DRYHIRE").Range("A15:C70").ClearContents
For i = LBound(ws) To UBound(ws) 'Loop through all shees in the array
For Each cell In Sheets(ws(i)).Range(arry(i)) 'Loop through all cells in the multirange
If cell > 0 Then 'See if anything entered in pieces
Descript = cell.Offset(0, -3) 'get description from column B
Set f = .Range("A15:A70").Find(Descript, , xlValues, xlWhole)
If Not f Is Nothing Then
nr = f.Row
nr = nr + 1
If nr > 70 Then
MsgBox "Rows are full"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
.Cells(nr, "A") = Descript 'Populate values in PROFORMA sheet
.Cells(nr, "B") = cell 'get pieces from column E
.Cells(nr, "C") = cell.Offset(0, -1) 'get price p/d from column D
End With
End If
Next cell
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End Sub
Sub ClearContentsAUDIO()
' Clear All contents from Sheet - AUDIO
Worksheets("AUDIO").Range("E13:E43, J13:J30, J32:J43, E57:E84, J57:J84, E100:E131, J100:J107, J109:J118, J120:J131, E146:E176, E178:E191, J146:J176, J178:J184, J186:J197").ClearContents
MsgBox "Ç öüñìá AUDIO êáèÜñéóå!"
End Sub
Sub ClearContentsLIGHTS()
' Clear All contents from Sheet - LIGHTS
Worksheets("LIGHTS").Range("E13:E34, J13:J59, E36:E59, E73:E89, J73:J82, J84:J91, E91:E98, J93:J101, E100:E109, J103:J113").ClearContents
MsgBox "Ç öüñìá LIGHTS êáèÜñéóå!"
End Sub
Sub ClearContentsHOIST()
' Clear All contents from Sheet - HTD
Worksheets("HOISTS - TRUSS - DRAPES").Range("E13:E28, K13:K37, E30:E40, E42:E52, E67:E91, K67:K85, E106:E123, K106:K119, K121:K129, E127:E137").ClearContents
MsgBox "Ç öüñìá HTD êáèÜñéóå!"
End Sub
Sub ClearContentsDISTRO()
' Clear All contents from Sheet - DCM
Worksheets("DISTRO - CABLES - MISC").Range("E13:E35, K13:K50, E37:E50, E64:E116, K64:K88, K92:K108, K111:K120, E131:E148, K131:K148, K150:K159, E152:E180 , K163:K188 , K190:K203 , E184:E216 , K207:K238 , K240:K249 ").ClearContents
MsgBox "Ç öüñìá DCM êáèÜñéóå!"
End Sub
What is it wrong? There are no redirects or mysterious coding.
Can someone give me a hint of what to change?
Thank you in advance!
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