I'm new on VBA but I've been studying how to send email through VBA.
I know my database is wrong but where should I take such information? I already tried to put " " but without success.
I'm new on VBA but I've been studying how to send email through VBA.
I know my database is wrong but where should I take such information? I already tried to put " " but without success.
VBA Code:
Dim MailData As Object 'The email database
Dim Maildoc As Object 'The email itself
Dim Session As Object 'The notes session
linha = 2
Do Until Cells(linha, 1) = ""
Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Set MailData = NotesSession.GetDatabase("", "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes.exe")
If MailData.IsOpen = True Then
End If
Set Maildoc = MailDB.CreateDocument
Maildoc.SendTo = Cells(linha, 8)
Maildoc.Subject = "SYMRISE BR - Quotation" & " -" & Cells(linha, 1) & " -" & Cells(linha, 4)
Maildoc.Body = "Dears, & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & Cells(15,14) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & Cells(1,1) & "" & Cells(linha, 1) & "
Chr (10) & Cells(1, 2) & "" & Cells(linha, 2) & Chr(10) & Cells(1, 3) & "" & Cells(linha, 3) & Chr(10) & _
Cells(1, 4) & " " & Cells(linha, 4) & Chr(10) & Cells(1, 5) & " " & Cells(linha, 5)
Maildoc.SaveMessageonSend = True