Copying and pasting cells from a worksheet in one instance of Excel to a worksheet in another instance of Excel results in the text being truncated.
I have a laptop display extended to a VDU so I have two instances of Excel open so that I can view two Excel files at the same time, rather than the usual way of opening both files in a single instance of Excel (in which case you can only view one worksheet at a time and have to switch between Windows). Sorry to labour the point, but this is not the same as simply opening two files in Excel (this has caused confusion when explaining the problem to others).
I have just copied & pasted four big cells and below are the number of words, characters and characters with spaces respectively which were copied accross:
(36, 219, 254)
(43, 213, 252)
(44, 211, 253)
(45, 210, 253)
It looks as though Excel is limiting pastes to 2^8 = 256 characters (with spaces), which makes me think it is an inherent built-in limitation.
To replicate the process I went through, you need to double-click on an Excel file to open it. To open the second file, launce Excel from the Start menu and open a second file from within the Excel file menu.
Copying and pasting cells within the same worksheet, pasting to another worksheet but within the same file, or pasting to another worksheet in a different file but in the same instance of Excel doesn't appear to be a problem. I have ensured that the cells are of the same type, i.e. Text.
Has anyone else experienced this problem and more importantly, do you know a solution? I would really like to keep both worksheets in view at the same time so I need two instances of Excel open. Is this problem just a characteristic of Excel and has no solution?
Thanks in advance,
Paul <!-- / message --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: ad_showthread_firstpost_sig --><!-- END TEMPLATE: ad_showthread_firstpost_sig -->
Copying and pasting cells from a worksheet in one instance of Excel to a worksheet in another instance of Excel results in the text being truncated.
I have a laptop display extended to a VDU so I have two instances of Excel open so that I can view two Excel files at the same time, rather than the usual way of opening both files in a single instance of Excel (in which case you can only view one worksheet at a time and have to switch between Windows). Sorry to labour the point, but this is not the same as simply opening two files in Excel (this has caused confusion when explaining the problem to others).
I have just copied & pasted four big cells and below are the number of words, characters and characters with spaces respectively which were copied accross:
(36, 219, 254)
(43, 213, 252)
(44, 211, 253)
(45, 210, 253)
It looks as though Excel is limiting pastes to 2^8 = 256 characters (with spaces), which makes me think it is an inherent built-in limitation.
To replicate the process I went through, you need to double-click on an Excel file to open it. To open the second file, launce Excel from the Start menu and open a second file from within the Excel file menu.
Copying and pasting cells within the same worksheet, pasting to another worksheet but within the same file, or pasting to another worksheet in a different file but in the same instance of Excel doesn't appear to be a problem. I have ensured that the cells are of the same type, i.e. Text.
Has anyone else experienced this problem and more importantly, do you know a solution? I would really like to keep both worksheets in view at the same time so I need two instances of Excel open. Is this problem just a characteristic of Excel and has no solution?
Thanks in advance,
Paul <!-- / message --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: ad_showthread_firstpost_sig --><!-- END TEMPLATE: ad_showthread_firstpost_sig -->