Can anyone help me figure out where I'm going wrong? I'm trying to name a file: Department Name_Row Count_Sum of Amount.xlsx
It works great until I try to add the sum in there. When I add the sum, it saves as a different file format. I'm not sure what kind, except that my computer doesn't have the right program to reopen the file once I close it.
I need to add the row count and total $ amount to the filename to keep the user happy and allow them to double check the numbers at a glance. I would prefer to keep the number formatting with the commas and possibly even with a $ sign. Like I said, I can get all of this to work, but it saves it as an unknown file type.
I've even tried calculating the sum in a cell of the spreadsheet and adding: Range("BK1").value to the Save As filename.
Any suggestions on why it does not save as .xlsx when I add that last piece (& y) to the file name? Thank you for the help!
It works great until I try to add the sum in there. When I add the sum, it saves as a different file format. I'm not sure what kind, except that my computer doesn't have the right program to reopen the file once I close it.
I need to add the row count and total $ amount to the filename to keep the user happy and allow them to double check the numbers at a glance. I would prefer to keep the number formatting with the commas and possibly even with a $ sign. Like I said, I can get all of this to work, but it saves it as an unknown file type.
I've even tried calculating the sum in a cell of the spreadsheet and adding: Range("BK1").value to the Save As filename.
Any suggestions on why it does not save as .xlsx when I add that last piece (& y) to the file name? Thank you for the help!
Dim LastRowCount As Long
'Count total rows
With ActiveSheet
LastRowCount = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - 1
End With
Dim x, y As String
x = Application.Sum(Range("S:S"))
y = Format(x, "#,000.00")
'Save As file name
strFilename = Range("AY2").Value & "_" & LastRowCount & "_" & y
'Create new folder at specified location and name
MkDir strDefpath & strDirname
strPathname = strDefpath & strDirname & "\" & strFilename
'Save as .xlsx format
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=strPathname, FileFormat:=51
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