'multi parameter data search
'written by ranman256
Public gcolParms As Collection
Public Const kRSLT = "Result"
Public Const kFND = "Found"
Public giColRslt As Integer
Public gsColLtrRslt As String
Public mvRet
Public Sub FindData()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, iFld As Integer, iCt As Integer
Dim vDate As Date, vStartDte As Date, vEndDte As Date
Dim vVal, vWord
Dim bFoundFinal As Boolean, bFoundCurr As Boolean
Dim rng
'-------make RESULT field
If ActiveCell.Value <> kRSLT Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 'next col
End If
giColRslt = ActiveCell.Column
gsColLtrRslt = getColLtr()
Range(gsColLtrRslt & ":" & gsColLtrRslt).ClearContents
Range(gsColLtrRslt & "1").Value = kRSLT
Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
''---------scan the data for the SEARCH parameters
While ActiveCell.Value <> ""
' If ActiveCell.Row = 25 Then 'debug
' Beep
' End If
iCt = gcolParms.Count
ReDim ary(iCt, 1)
For i = 1 To iCt
vWord = gcolParms(i)
j = InStr(vWord, ":")
iFld = Left(vWord, j - 1)
vVal = Mid(vWord, j + 1)
Select Case True
Case IsDate(vVal)
bFoundCurr = ActiveCell.Offset(0, iFld - 1).Value = CDate(vVal)
Case IsNumeric(vVal)
bFoundCurr = ActiveCell.Offset(0, iFld - 1).Value = Val(vVal)
Case Else
bFoundCurr = ActiveCell.Offset(0, iFld - 1).Value = vVal
End Select
If Not bFoundCurr Then GoTo nextRow 'param FAIL since we need all of them
Next 'next param
'-----mark found success
If bFoundCurr Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, giColRslt - 1).Value = kFND 'write the valid entry to a result column. then sum it.
'------next data row
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 'next row
bFoundFinal = False
'----filter the results
rng.AutoFilter Field:=giColRslt, Criteria1:=kFND
'-----copy resutls
Set rng = Nothing
Set gcolParms = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function getColLtr()
mvRet = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2)
getColLtr = Left(mvRet, InStr(mvRet, "$") - 1)
End Function
Private Sub SaveFoundData()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\TEMP\found data.xlsx", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub