I have worked several days to get my macro to work but itwill not fill down the data to the FinalRow of a referenced worksheet.
Background: a person opens a workbook (wbPPM) and goes to a variable worksheet(shtReq) where the person kicks off a macro. The macro open another workbook(wbQC) with one preformatted worksheet (shtQC) and inserts a new worksheet(shtLoad) into the active workbook and then closes the other workbook (wbQC).The new worksheet (shtLoad) will refer to the data on the variable worksheet(shtReq) which begins on row 6 and the FinalRow is determined by column C,perform a formula to concatenate, and then drop the data into the new worksheetwhich also begins on row 6.
I can get it to do the first line, but not loop or autofill down. I've triedboth.
Sub [Name] ()
Dim wbPPM As Workbook
Dim wbQC As Workbook
Dim shtTitle As Worksheet
Dim shtQC As Worksheet
Dim shtLoad As Variant
Dim shtReq As Variant
Dim ReqNo As String
Dim ReqName As String
Dim FinalRow As Long
Set wbPPM = ThisWorkbook
Set shtTitle = wbPPM.Worksheets(1)
Set shtReq = ActiveSheet
Set wbQC = Workbooks.Open("[Location])
Set shtQC = wbQC.Worksheets("[Name]")
Desc = shtReq.Range("$D6").Value
ReqNo = shtReq.Range("$A6).Value
ReqName = shtReq.Range("$C6")
PPMNo = shtTitle.Range("$G$9").Value
shtQC.Copy Before:=wbPPM.Sheets("[Name]")
Set shtLoad = ActiveSheet
With shtReq
FinalRow = shtReq.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
End With
Range("C6").Formula = ReqNo & "--" & ReqName
ActiveCell.AutoFill Destination:=Range("C6:C" & FinalRow),Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("D6").Formula = Desc
ActiveCell.AutoFill Destination:=Range("D6:D" & FinalRow), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("L6").Formula = PPMNo
ActiveCell.AutoFill Destination:=Range("L6:L" & FinalRow),Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub<o
Background: a person opens a workbook (wbPPM) and goes to a variable worksheet(shtReq) where the person kicks off a macro. The macro open another workbook(wbQC) with one preformatted worksheet (shtQC) and inserts a new worksheet(shtLoad) into the active workbook and then closes the other workbook (wbQC).The new worksheet (shtLoad) will refer to the data on the variable worksheet(shtReq) which begins on row 6 and the FinalRow is determined by column C,perform a formula to concatenate, and then drop the data into the new worksheetwhich also begins on row 6.
I can get it to do the first line, but not loop or autofill down. I've triedboth.
Sub [Name] ()
Dim wbPPM As Workbook
Dim wbQC As Workbook
Dim shtTitle As Worksheet
Dim shtQC As Worksheet
Dim shtLoad As Variant
Dim shtReq As Variant
Dim ReqNo As String
Dim ReqName As String
Dim FinalRow As Long
Set wbPPM = ThisWorkbook
Set shtTitle = wbPPM.Worksheets(1)
Set shtReq = ActiveSheet
Set wbQC = Workbooks.Open("[Location])
Set shtQC = wbQC.Worksheets("[Name]")
Desc = shtReq.Range("$D6").Value
ReqNo = shtReq.Range("$A6).Value
ReqName = shtReq.Range("$C6")
PPMNo = shtTitle.Range("$G$9").Value
shtQC.Copy Before:=wbPPM.Sheets("[Name]")
Set shtLoad = ActiveSheet
With shtReq
FinalRow = shtReq.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
End With
Range("C6").Formula = ReqNo & "--" & ReqName
ActiveCell.AutoFill Destination:=Range("C6:C" & FinalRow),Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("D6").Formula = Desc
ActiveCell.AutoFill Destination:=Range("D6:D" & FinalRow), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("L6").Formula = PPMNo
ActiveCell.AutoFill Destination:=Range("L6:L" & FinalRow),Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub<o