I have a macro which I have been using to loop through all files in the directory which contains my spreadsheet with the analysis macro. The macro works perfectly, except for the fact that I just discovered that using Dir does not return files in alphabetical or file system order, but in the order they are stored on the disk (ie: random). Unfortunately, order is essential for me, so I have been searching around and found a series of functions which loads file names into an array and sorts them, returning the sorted array. Due to my inability to properly implement this, I have created a simple version of my macro with my attempt to implement the functions. Any help/suggestions on how I can make the implementation work are much appreciated. Currently the macro does not run at all if I try to call the SortedFiles function.
This is the simplified version of my macro, it opens the spreadsheet and copies it Range("A1") to the analysis sheet which is titled Z_Test.xlsm, then loads the next file and copies A1 to the next empty row in Z_Test.xlsm.
I have a macro which I have been using to loop through all files in the directory which contains my spreadsheet with the analysis macro. The macro works perfectly, except for the fact that I just discovered that using Dir does not return files in alphabetical or file system order, but in the order they are stored on the disk (ie: random). Unfortunately, order is essential for me, so I have been searching around and found a series of functions which loads file names into an array and sorts them, returning the sorted array. Due to my inability to properly implement this, I have created a simple version of my macro with my attempt to implement the functions. Any help/suggestions on how I can make the implementation work are much appreciated. Currently the macro does not run at all if I try to call the SortedFiles function.
This is the simplified version of my macro, it opens the spreadsheet and copies it Range("A1") to the analysis sheet which is titled Z_Test.xlsm, then loads the next file and copies A1 to the next empty row in Z_Test.xlsm.
Sub Test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim OrginialFile
OriginalFile = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name
Dim StartColumn As Integer
Dim EndColumn As Integer
Dim LastRow
Dim MyFile As String
Dim Mypath
'Change directory to actual directory
Mypath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\"
ChDir (Mypath)
'Run SortedFiles Function to return sorted array of files
SortedFiles (Mypath)
'Set MyFile variable to the sorted array of files
MyFile = files
Do While Len(files) > 0
If MyFile = "Z_Test.xlsm" Then
Dim fileName As String
fileName = Mypath & "_Summary" & ".xlsx"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fileName:=fileName, FileFormat:=51
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
End If
Workbooks.Open fileName:=MyFile
'define first and last column of the range
StartColumn = 1
EndColumn = 2
LastRow = FindLastRow(StartColumn, EndColumn) 'call the function FindLastRow and return the value to the variable LastRow
'MsgBox "Last row is " & LastRow 'show and tell
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(LastRow, 1), Cells(LastRow, 2)).Offset(2)
Application.CutCopyMode = True
MyFile = Dir
End Sub
Function FindLastRow(iColI As Integer, iColN As Integer) As Long
Dim iRowN As Long
Dim iRowI As Long
'Loop thorugh the columns
For i = iColI To iColN
'Define each columns' last row
iRowI = Cells(Rows.Count, i).End(xlUp).Row
'if last row is larger than in the previous column, save row number to iRowI
If iRowI > iRowN Then iRowN = iRowI
Next i
FindLastRow = iRowN
End Function
Private Function SortedFiles(ByVal dir_path As String, _
Optional ByVal exclude_self As Boolean = True, Optional _
ByVal exclude_parent As Boolean = True) As String()
Dim num_files As Integer
Dim files() As String
Dim file_name As String
file_name = Dir$(dir_path)
Do While Len(file_name) > 0
' See if we should skip this file.
If Not _
(exclude_self And file_name = ".") Or _
(exclude_parent And file_name = "..") _
' Save the file.
num_files = num_files + 1
ReDim Preserve files(1 To num_files)
files(num_files) = file_name
End If
' Get the next file.
file_name = Dir$()
' Sort the list of files.
Quicksort files, 1, num_files
' Return the list.
SortedFiles = files
End Function
Private Sub Quicksort(list() As String, ByVal min As Long, _
ByVal max As Long)
Dim mid_value As String
Dim hi As Long
Dim lo As Long
Dim i As Long
' If there is 0 or 1 item in the list,
' this sublist is sorted.
If min >= max Then Exit Sub
' Pick a dividing value.
i = Int((max - min + 1) * Rnd + min)
mid_value = list(i)
' Swap the dividing value to the front.
list(i) = list(min)
lo = min
hi = max
' Look down from hi for a value < mid_value.
Do While list(hi) >= mid_value
hi = hi - 1
If hi <= lo Then Exit Do
If hi <= lo Then
list(lo) = mid_value
Exit Do
End If
' Swap the lo and hi values.
list(lo) = list(hi)
' Look up from lo for a value >= mid_value.
lo = lo + 1
Do While list(lo) < mid_value
lo = lo + 1
If lo >= hi Then Exit Do
If lo >= hi Then
lo = hi
list(hi) = mid_value
Exit Do
End If
' Swap the lo and hi values.
list(hi) = list(lo)
' Sort the two sublists.
Quicksort list, min, lo - 1
Quicksort list, lo + 1, max
End Sub