Hi There,
I hope someone can help me.
I'm trying to figure out how to loop trough 2 TXT file to search a number and then again and again.
But the problem is that the loop does not loop.....
The search in the TXT file just continues where it left of and I can't figure out how to reset this.
I'm trying to let the TXT file be left open [OPEN FOR INPUT] because I think opening and closing takes up precious time when searching for 500 or so different numbers.
Anyone any ideas?
Here a scrap of the code with the loop.
' A loop for every numbers in the list
For R = 1 To UBound(Arr, 1)
'Loop until the end of file
Do While Not EOF(intFNumber)
MsgBox Arr(R, 1)
'Read data from file
Line Input #intFNumber, sLine
If InStr(1, Mid(sLine, 1, 9), Arr(R, 1), vbTextCompare) Then
GLN = Mid(sLine, 153, 33)
MsgBox GLN, vbInformation, "GLNfabrikant + Prod.code fabrikant"
Do While Not EOF(intFNumber2)
'Read data from file
Line Input #intFNumber2, sLine2
If InStr(1, Mid(sLine2, 153, 33), GLN, vbTextCompare) Then
MsgBox (Mid(sLine2, 2, 9)), vbInformation, "TU nummer"
End If
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
'Close the file
Close #intFNumber
Close #intFNumber2
I hope someone can help me.
I'm trying to figure out how to loop trough 2 TXT file to search a number and then again and again.
But the problem is that the loop does not loop.....
The search in the TXT file just continues where it left of and I can't figure out how to reset this.
I'm trying to let the TXT file be left open [OPEN FOR INPUT] because I think opening and closing takes up precious time when searching for 500 or so different numbers.
Anyone any ideas?
Here a scrap of the code with the loop.
' A loop for every numbers in the list
For R = 1 To UBound(Arr, 1)
'Loop until the end of file
Do While Not EOF(intFNumber)
MsgBox Arr(R, 1)
'Read data from file
Line Input #intFNumber, sLine
If InStr(1, Mid(sLine, 1, 9), Arr(R, 1), vbTextCompare) Then
GLN = Mid(sLine, 153, 33)
MsgBox GLN, vbInformation, "GLNfabrikant + Prod.code fabrikant"
Do While Not EOF(intFNumber2)
'Read data from file
Line Input #intFNumber2, sLine2
If InStr(1, Mid(sLine2, 153, 33), GLN, vbTextCompare) Then
MsgBox (Mid(sLine2, 2, 9)), vbInformation, "TU nummer"
End If
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
'Close the file
Close #intFNumber
Close #intFNumber2