I created a workbook to track stats for a card game. I am using a formula using a lookup (of the team) referencing the weekly results using a match function and the results are pulling from the incorrect week. This also references named ranges. Can someone take a look at the formula and let me know what went wrong. It worked all of last year but somehow got corrupt this season.
From the legue schedule based on the number of teams it creates the schedule for the divisions. ''=VLOOKUP($A40,CLUBS,2) Keeps the running completed schedule. The results are calculated from the WKLY_RSLTS sheet 'VLOOKUP(H40,WKLY_RSLTS!$B$3:$O$16,MATCH(TeamCalc!$T$39,WKLY_RSLTS!$B$2:$O$2),FALSE) |