Sometimes a workbook is born and evolves without a documented design--it can gain traction and become a trusted asset.
But then a point can be reached where making changes becomes challenging and real improvements/simplifications very time-consuming.
Having some sort of "tool" that could create documentation after-the-fact seems desirable (an add-in? some VBA? something!)...
I'm at that point now for something that was once a single workbook, was split into multiple workbooks (successfully inviting a bunch of redundancies), and now
am faced with bringing everything back into a new workbook that returns to the lean meat of what is required.
So perhaps what I am hoping for is something that might only get used in a re-design or total melt/re-pour but seems to me I'm likely not alone. Silence/few responses may tell me otherwise?
Most importantly (to me) these would be among those things extensively documented:
Named ranges,
Data tables,
Pivot tables,
"true" formulas (vs Constants or Parameter values),
Array formulas,
data validation expressions
...I'm sure there are more, but these seem to be the ones I come back to when feeling swamped
Your nominations and thoughts are appreciated in advance. Thanks!
[Most often using Office2013 on Win10]
But then a point can be reached where making changes becomes challenging and real improvements/simplifications very time-consuming.
Having some sort of "tool" that could create documentation after-the-fact seems desirable (an add-in? some VBA? something!)...
I'm at that point now for something that was once a single workbook, was split into multiple workbooks (successfully inviting a bunch of redundancies), and now
am faced with bringing everything back into a new workbook that returns to the lean meat of what is required.
So perhaps what I am hoping for is something that might only get used in a re-design or total melt/re-pour but seems to me I'm likely not alone. Silence/few responses may tell me otherwise?
Most importantly (to me) these would be among those things extensively documented:
Named ranges,
Data tables,
Pivot tables,
"true" formulas (vs Constants or Parameter values),
Array formulas,
data validation expressions
...I'm sure there are more, but these seem to be the ones I come back to when feeling swamped
Your nominations and thoughts are appreciated in advance. Thanks!
[Most often using Office2013 on Win10]