I am having trouble visualising the best way forward for this problem.
I currently have a master workbook with three sheets A,B,C
Within this master workbook, there area a number of buttons and VBA code On sheet "A" , and one for example can duplicate sheet A, to A1, A2 etc.
I then have VBA which allows the user to save all the sheets to a new excel document, but in a xlsx macrofree workbook to strip all VBA, and it also strips all the buttons with another VBA code.
What i want to do now is say open the masterworkbook, and have a VBA button to load the stripped down xlsx workbook, merge all and the sheets data into the master workbook which would include the VBA buttons and functions.
So in short, i want my masterworkbook, with all vba and buttons etc to be able to be able to open and merge a stripped down xlsx workbook to give back the funcationality of the masterworkbook with all data from the saved xlsx
Sorry for long winded post, but having trouble visualising a way forward.
I am having trouble visualising the best way forward for this problem.
I currently have a master workbook with three sheets A,B,C
Within this master workbook, there area a number of buttons and VBA code On sheet "A" , and one for example can duplicate sheet A, to A1, A2 etc.
I then have VBA which allows the user to save all the sheets to a new excel document, but in a xlsx macrofree workbook to strip all VBA, and it also strips all the buttons with another VBA code.
What i want to do now is say open the masterworkbook, and have a VBA button to load the stripped down xlsx workbook, merge all and the sheets data into the master workbook which would include the VBA buttons and functions.
So in short, i want my masterworkbook, with all vba and buttons etc to be able to be able to open and merge a stripped down xlsx workbook to give back the funcationality of the masterworkbook with all data from the saved xlsx
Sorry for long winded post, but having trouble visualising a way forward.