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- Nov 23, 2018
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I have a DLL with I don't want to put it in the system folder.
I do I let VBA, how do I load dll from the path I want?
I do I let VBA, how do I load dll from the path I want?
I have a DLL with I don't want to put it in the system folder.
I do I let VBA, how do I load dll from the path I want?
I access the dll through the API declarations like thisIs that an ActiveX dll or a standard windows dll ?
Do you access the dll through the API declarations like the way you access windows dlls ?
[/COLOR]Declare Function GetVersion Lib "MyDLL" () As Integer
I access the dll through the API declarations like this
Rich (BB code):Declare Function GetVersion Lib "MyDLL" () As Integer
Declare Function GetVersion Lib "[B]YOUR_DLL_PATH_HERE\[/B]MyDll.dll" () As Integer
Then you could pass the full path as follows :
Code:Declare Function GetVersion Lib "[B]YOUR_DLL_PATH_HERE\[/B]MyDll.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function GetVersion Lib "MyDLL" () As Integer
Function CallGetVersion() As Integer
Dim sDir As String
sDir = CurDir
ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path
CallGetVersion = GetVersion
ChDir sDir
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim iRet As Integer
iRet = CallGetVersion
MsgBox iRet
End Sub
Option Explicit
[URL="https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=If"]#If[/URL] VBA7 Then
Declare PtrSafe Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As LongPtr
Declare PtrSafe Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As LongPtr) As Long
Declare PtrSafe Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As LongPtr, ByVal lpProcName As String) As LongPtr
Declare PtrSafe Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As LongPtr, ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As LongPtr, ByVal lParam As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long
Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
[URL="https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=End"]#End[/URL] If
Function CallGetVersion(ByVal Dll_Path As String) As Integer
[URL="https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=If"]#If[/URL] VBA7 Then
Dim hLib As LongPtr, hProcAddr As LongPtr
Dim hLib As Long, hProcAddr As Long
[URL="https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=End"]#End[/URL] If
hLib = LoadLibrary(Dll_Path)
hProcAddr = GetProcAddress(hLib, "GetVersion")
If hProcAddr Then
CallGetVersion = CallWindowProc(hProcAddr, 0, 0, 0, 0)
End If
FreeLibrary hLib
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim iRet As Integer
iRet = CallGetVersion(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\MyDll.dll")
MsgBox iRet
End Sub
Thanks. I used the first method
I would like to request how to tweak the second method if there were 5 arguments to pass to the function inside the DLL like:The second method would need to be tweaked depending on the type and number of args of your dll function.
CallGetVersion = CallWindowProc(hProcAddr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
I would like to request how to tweak the second method if there were 5 arguments to pass to the function inside the DLL like:VBA Code:CallGetVersion = CallWindowProc(hProcAddr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Option Explicit
#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal pvInstance As LongPtr, ByVal FuncAddr As LongPtr, ByVal CallConvention As Integer, ByVal rtnType As VbVarType, ByVal FuncArgsCnt As Long, ByRef FuncArgTypes As Any, ByRef FuncArgVarAddresses As Any, ByRef FuncResult As Any) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub SetLastError Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwErrCode As Long)
Private Declare PtrSafe Function MessageBoxExW Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal lpText As LongPtr, ByVal lpCaption As LongPtr, ByVal uType As Long, ByVal wLanguageId As Long) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As LongPtr, ByVal lpProcName As String) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As LongPtr) As Long
Private Declare Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal pvInstance As Long, ByVal FuncAddr As Long, ByVal CallConvention As Integer, ByVal rtnType As VbVarType, ByVal FuncArgsCnt As Long, ByRef FuncArgTypes As Any, ByRef FuncArgVarAddresses As Any, ByRef FuncResult As Any) As Long
Private Declare Sub SetLastError Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwErrCode As Long)
Private Declare Function MessageBoxExW Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpText As Long, ByVal lpCaption As Long, ByVal uType As Long, ByVal wLanguageId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long
#End If
#If Win64 Then
Private Function DllStdCall(ByVal pAddr As LongLong, ByVal FunctionReturnType As Long, ParamArray FunctionParameters() As Variant) As Variant
Dim vParamPtr() As LongLong
Private Function DllStdCall(ByVal pAddr As Long, ByVal FunctionReturnType As Long, ParamArray FunctionParameters() As Variant) As Variant
Dim vParamPtr() As Long
#End If
Const CC_STDCALL As Long = 4
If Not (FunctionReturnType And &HFFFF0000) = 0& Then Exit Function
Dim pIndex As Long, pCount As Long
Dim vParamType() As Integer
Dim vRtn As Variant, vParams() As Variant
vParams() = FunctionParameters()
pCount = Abs(UBound(vParams) - LBound(vParams) + 1&)
If pCount = 0& Then
ReDim vParamPtr(0 To 0)
ReDim vParamType(0 To 0)
ReDim vParamPtr(0 To pCount - 1&)
ReDim vParamType(0 To pCount - 1&)
For pIndex = 0& To pCount - 1&
vParamPtr(pIndex) = VarPtr(vParams(pIndex))
vParamType(pIndex) = VarType(vParams(pIndex))
End If
pIndex = DispCallFunc(ByVal 0&, pAddr, CC_STDCALL, FunctionReturnType, pCount, vParamType(0), vParamPtr(0), vRtn)
If pIndex = 0& Then
DllStdCall = vRtn
SetLastError pIndex
End If
End Function
Sub Test()
#If Win64 Then
Dim hLib As LongLong, hProcAddr As LongLong
Dim hLib As Long, hProcAddr As Long
#End If
hLib = LoadLibrary("user32")
If hLib Then
hProcAddr = GetProcAddress(hLib, "MessageBoxExW")
If hProcAddr Then
DllStdCall hProcAddr, vbLong, Application.hwnd, StrPtr("Hello World!"), StrPtr("Tile"), MB_ICONINFORMATION, 0
End If
End If
Call FreeLibrary(hLib)
End Sub