Good afternoon,
I have been tasked with trying to find out the permissions on a set of folders on a company network. I know write vba code to manipulate a excel spreadsheet without any problems, but it is when i'm using objects that it starts to go beyond my capability. whilst searching i found this code:
It does a perfect job but puts the data into an html file. i managed to get it to input the data into the spreadsheet as well but i would like to clean this code up so that it is not producing another file (namely the text file or the html file) and just put the results into the excel file I have entered the module into.
I did start to remove the references to any file name, but that is where i run into trouble and it wouldn't run any more due to object not found.
I'm on Win 7 using Office 2010
Thank you in advance
I have been tasked with trying to find out the permissions on a set of folders on a company network. I know write vba code to manipulate a excel spreadsheet without any problems, but it is when i'm using objects that it starts to go beyond my capability. whilst searching i found this code:
Sub test1()
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Const FullAccessMask = 2032127, ModifyAccessMask = 1245631, WriteAccessMask = 118009
Const ROAccessMask = 1179817
strComputer = "."
sParentFolder = InputBox("Please Enter folder to gather information on", "Parent Folder")
SParentFoldern = Replace(sParentFolder, "\", "")
SParentFoldern = Replace(SParentFoldern, ":", "")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'File name Same As Folder Name without special Caracteres
fullfilename = SParentFoldern & ".html"
'WScript.echo fullfilename
Set fsOut = fso.OpenTextFile(fullfilename, ForAppending, True)
On Error Resume Next
fsOut.Writeline ("" & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "")
strTableHead = [COLOR=#800000]"<table border=2 bordercolor='#000010' width='90%' id='Table1'>"[/COLOR]
ShowSubFolders fso.GetFolder(sParentFolder), fullfilename
OutputFolderInfo sParentFolder, fullfilename
Set fsOut = fso.OpenTextFile(fullfilename, ForAppending, True)
fsOut.Writeline strTableFoot
MsgBox "Done "
End Sub
Public Sub OutputFolderInfo(FolderName, sOutfile)
Const FullAccessMask = 2032127, ModifyAccessMask = 1245631, WriteAccessMask = 1180095
Const ROAccessMask = 1179817
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
strComputer = "."
'Build the path to the folder because it requites 2 backslashes
folderpath = Replace(FolderName, "\", "\\")
objectpath = "winmgmts:Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting.path='" & folderpath & "'"
'Get the security set for the object
Set wmiFileSecSetting = GetObject(objectpath)
'verify that the get was successful
RetVal = wmiFileSecSetting.GetSecurityDescriptor(wmiSecurityDescriptor)
If Err Then
MsgBox ("GetSecurityDescriptor failed" & vbCrLf & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description)
End If
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colFolders = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Directory WHERE Name ='" & _
folderpath & "'")
For Each objFolder In colFolders
' Retrieve the DACL array of Win32_ACE objects.
DACL = wmiSecurityDescriptor.DACL
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fsOut = fso.OpenTextFile(sOutfile, ForAppending, True)
For Each wmiAce In DACL
' Get Win32_Trustee object from ACE
Set Trustee = wmiAce.Trustee
fsOut.Writeline "[TR]
[TD="width: 50%"]" & objFolder.Name & "[/TD]
" & _
"[TD="width: 50%"]" & Trustee.Domain & "\" & Trustee.Name & "[/TD]
'fsOut.Write objFolder.Name & "," & Trustee.Domain & "\" & Trustee.Name & ","
FoundAccessMask = False
CustomAccessMask = Flase
While Not FoundAccessMask And Not CustomAccessMask
If wmiAce.AccessMask = FullAccessMask Then
AccessType = "Full Control"
FoundAccessMask = True
End If
If wmiAce.AccessMask = ModifyAccessMask Then
AccessType = "Modify"
FoundAccessMask = True
End If
If wmiAce.AccessMask = WriteAccessMask Then
AccessType = "Read/Write Control"
FoundAccessMask = True
End If
If wmiAce.AccessMask = ROAccessMask Then
AccessType = "Read Only"
FoundAccessMask = True
CustomAccessMask = True
End If
If FoundAccessMask Then
'fsOut.Writeline AccessType
fsOut.Writeline "[TD="width: 50%"]" & AccessType & "[/TD]
fsOut.Writeline "[TD="width: 50%"]Custom[/TD]
'fsOut.Writeline "Custom"
End If
Set fsOut = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Set fsOut = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ShowSubFolders(Folder, fname)
On Error Resume Next
For Each Subfolder In Folder.SubFolders
Call OutputFolderInfo(Subfolder.Path, fname)
Wscript.Echo Subfolder.Path
Call ShowSubFolders(Subfolder, fname)
End Sub
It does a perfect job but puts the data into an html file. i managed to get it to input the data into the spreadsheet as well but i would like to clean this code up so that it is not producing another file (namely the text file or the html file) and just put the results into the excel file I have entered the module into.
I did start to remove the references to any file name, but that is where i run into trouble and it wouldn't run any more due to object not found.
I'm on Win 7 using Office 2010
Thank you in advance
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