I have a userform with a multiselect listbox the user seraches using a textbox. I am using the following code to do the search. the only problem is that the results appears at the bottom of the list and I want it to appear at the top.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
'the change event runs each time the user
'types into a text box
Dim s As String
Dim i As Integer
s = TextBox1.Text
'Note the use of the ListIndex property of the ListBox
'If the ListIndex is -1 means nothing selected
'If 0 means the first item selected
ListBox1.ListIndex = -1
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then 'nothing typed
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
'use the LIKE operator to compare
'convert both to Uppercase as well so case does not matter
If UCase(ListBox1.List(i)) Like UCase(s & "*") Then
ListBox1.ListIndex = i
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.