Hi All,
Im after some help with editing links for files saved in SharePoint
I have a spreadsheet (we’ll call it “Master File”) saved in sharepoint that links into another separate spreadsheet that is also saved on sharepoint (we’ll call this one “month”). Every month I have to change the link to a look into a new months file. To do this I use the data ribbon then choose edit links then change source.
This is what the original link looks like: https://XXXXX.sharepoint.com/n/group finance/reporting/January file for the man.xlsx
When I then relink into the new “month” file it is then changed to this (URL): https://xxxxx.sharepoint.com/n/group finance/reporting/February file for the man.xlsx
Whilst the link is in this format if you click open source or update values etc you get an error saying the file can not be located.
If you then save and close “master file” then reopen it then link is then changed to the following: https://XXXXX.sharepoint.com/n/group finance/reporting/February file for the man.xlsx
This allows you to open source / update values.
Please note the above is just simplified example, the real files I use have lots more linked files so saving then re-opening after every change of a linked file is not a viable option.
My questions are as follows:
- How / Why does this happen? (understand this is a URL to UNC)
- Is there anyway to stop the %20 happening?
Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in Advance